Dreaming of messing avocado

Question ID: 31843

AssalamuAlaikum Respected Mufti. I had two dreams which i have a feeling they have a meaning. Could Mufti please interpret them for me?

1) In the morning I dream I was in front of the mirror in my mums room and I had a bowl of blended avocardo which I was going to put on my face. I told my mum that I will go to the bathroom to do it but my mum said its fine, i can do it there so I began to put the avocardo paste on my face. Some fell on the floor, I bend down to clean it up but I saw I had messed quite abit. I decided to go to the bathroom but than I realised I will dirty two places so it would be better if I stayed in my mums room and clean up when im done.

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Asked on October 20, 2014 2:18 pm
Private answer

1) Wife will be productive.

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Answered on October 20, 2014 2:18 pm