Dreaming of late grandmother

Question ID: 28086

Slmz Mufti forgive me if this question appeared more than once.but i’ve been having problems sending sometimes it Doesnt go through yet it does. To my question.my father had this dream after fajr in ramadaan.he says he came to this strange house where he saw his late grandmother sitting at the side of the door on the floor.so he asked her,mama, what are you doing sitting on the floor you should be sitting on the chair.so he helped her up and placed her on the chair.also gave her a hug and a pat of affection on her head.she looked at him and said he looks like a prophet.so he smiled at her and gave her another pat of affection.he entered this strange house.but as he entered it was like a jamaat khana or a masjid.where there was people making salaat in safs.so he tried to find his way to the front saf and then he woke up.could you please tell us what this dreams means.thanks

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Asked on October 28, 2008 12:00 am
Private answer

Your father will play leading role in some social activity

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Answered on October 28, 2008 12:00 am