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Salaam I had a dream after fajar that my mum, my sister in law and I go to a graveyard to make dua on a grave of a man who has just passed (in real life I do not know of this man) as we approach the grave a street (wild) dog appears from the side of it. My sister in law and I get extremely scared it will bit us however my mum continues to the grave and starts making dua. The dog starts to walk towards my sister in law and I and we run, it catches up with us so we stand still in the hope it will go away. It starts to sniff us. I am so scared it is going to turn violent against us. But as it sniffs me just bellow my right knee it starts to lick me. This makes me very uncomfortable and I hope it doesn’t bit me and goes quickly. Because the weather is warm The clothes I am wearing are of thin material and I feel some of the saliva on my skin. My sister in law eventually shuus the dog away and he goes. We then go to my mum and I say to them both we have to go home the dog licked me which means I am not pure enough to make dua and I will need change and shower/do wudu. We then make our way home. The car my mum is driving is different to the one she has in real life, the one in the dream is bigger.
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Dreaming of Dog Licking me
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