Respected Mufti,
I hada dream before Fajr Salaah two nights back… It was regarding dajjaal. From a birds eyes view of the world map I could see a whole lot of animals mostly larger animals dinosaurs and members of the cat family all traveling in large groups making their way to a specific place. These were the fitnahs. Immediately I made my way back to the Muslims only to notice that we had dug trenches to stop the above mentioned accomplices of dajjal and his fitnah from approaching. However, fearfully I thought that the trenches are too Shallow. I noticed the Muslims had gathered but most had shirts and pants on..Not standard Muslim dressing.yesterday before fajr Salaah again I dreamt that there was a major natural disaster that had afflicted durban SA. The skies Were stormy and lots of commotion. my family hurriedly packed a bag each full… with essentials for survival… I remember there being no time to waste… I was thinking who will help us all South Africans in our time of need. That we are now like the syrians… We needed to leave our home and go to a safer area… There was widespread fitnah and chaos on the streets… zina… rape…etc after a while there came news that dajjal had emerged. everyone was scared and frightened…. I was overcome with shock and told my mother that I had seem a dream about him. I don’t recall the rest of the dream…
. Sent from my BlackBerry?