Dreaming of dajjaal and fitnahs happening

Question ID: 26330

Respected Mufti,

I hada dream before Fajr Salaah two nights back… It was regarding dajjaal. From a birds eyes view of the world map I could see a whole lot of animals mostly larger animals dinosaurs and members of the cat family all traveling in large groups making their way to a specific place. These were the fitnahs. Immediately I made my way back to the Muslims only to notice that we had dug trenches to stop the above mentioned accomplices of dajjal and his fitnah from approaching. However, fearfully I thought that the trenches are too Shallow. I noticed the Muslims had gathered but most had shirts and pants on..Not standard Muslim dressing.yesterday before fajr Salaah again I dreamt that there was a major natural disaster that had afflicted durban SA. The skies Were stormy and lots of commotion. my family hurriedly packed a bag each full… with essentials for survival… I remember there being no time to waste… I was thinking who will help us all South Africans in our time of need. That we are now like the syrians… We needed to leave our home and go to a safer area… There was widespread fitnah and chaos on the streets… zina… rape…etc after a while there came news that dajjal had emerged. everyone was scared and frightened…. I was overcome with shock and told my mother that I had seem a dream about him. I don’t recall the rest of the dream…
. Sent from my BlackBerry?

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Asked on April 9, 2014 2:28 pm
Private answer

This is currently happening. The level of immorality has increased and if there is an international event then this immorality will increase to another level. We all must make means to protect our Imaan and Islaam.

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Answered on April 9, 2014 2:28 pm