Dreaming of being used to reconcile a relationship between neighbours

Question ID: 32047

Mufti Saheb this morning before fajr I had a dream and I would like Mufti Saheb to interpret it for me. I dreamt that our neighbour whom we don’t have such good relations with, was in my dream…seeing that my father does not like him, I dreamt that I was used by Allah to reconcile our relationship with our nieghbour. My neighbour and I were engaged in laughter and talk. My father was also happy and was talking to him. Can Mufti Saheb please explain this dream. (Mufti saheb I use to live with my parents but seeing that I got married I am now staying with my wife in a different suburb). This dream all happened at my father’s house with his current neighbour.

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Asked on August 25, 2014 5:01 pm
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Answered on August 25, 2014 5:01 pm