Dreaming of a well dressed man,water,a stair case

Question ID: 31971

Assalaamualaikum. My mom had a dream that she was sleeping and at the foot end of her bed their is a man standing dressed in white. She can’t remember if he had a beard or not but tall and well built and fair in complexion. His eyes are blinking quite rapidly or almost rolling, she wakes up to ask him if he is ok but then he’s gone and then all of a sudden the dream moves to a point where she and my wife are on a flat surface cleaning up a whole lot of water and as its cleaned up my mum looks and not too far from where they are there’s some sort of a stair case or just an area with a lot of steps and water is gushing down the steps and in their direction. Can Mufti please explain the meaning? Jazakallah.

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Asked on September 8, 2014 3:24 pm
Private answer

All those whom you saw in the dream are going to be faced with a sudden rush of Islaamic knowledge from outside the country. Clarify before accepting.

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Answered on September 8, 2014 3:24 pm