Dreaming of a spider

Question ID: 29498

Asalamualeykum Wahrehmatullahi Wabarakatuho! I had a dream of a hand size spider white-grayish shiny coming down the ceiling. I shouted out to my husband there is a spider and the spider heard me and started leaving but then it turned around and sat on my shoulder. I was calm and nervous but quiet and told my husband to get the spray and spray it. When he sprayed it the spider didn’t die and got ready to bite me. The spider bit me and my husband got a stick and hit it two times and took it off of my shoulder. I saw the bite mark of the spider but I don’t feel any pain or any kind of hurt. Can you please tell me what does this means? Jazakallahkerin!

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Asked on February 27, 2014 9:53 pm
Private answer

The effect of having been in contact with a pious person who devotes himself to worship and has a secluded life.

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Answered on February 27, 2014 9:53 pm