Dreaming of a paper with scribbles

Question ID: 27572

salaam mufti

i recently had a dream that i was at my parents home. my father came to me and gave me a blank paper and told me that if there is any jinns or jadu around me it will get trapped in the paper and the paper will have a mark on it. i took the paper and left it in the room. when i returned to the room, the paper had whole lot of scribbling on it. i was excited and ran to show my father, who gave the paper to my mother. he told her to tear it up. she folded the paper and tore it up. could you please tell me what this dream means.

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Asked on February 4, 2009 12:00 am
Private answer

Your house is fine from rebellious Jinns.

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Answered on February 4, 2009 12:00 am