Dreaming of a ghost with the face of khoemeni killing people

Question ID: 26271

Assalamualaikum… I had a very scary dream… I dreamt I was in a place, and there were people there, and 1 person was a journalist, this person was video shooting this house telling people that this is the house of Ahmad kadiani, and someone from the audience was being interviwed by the journalist, and this person said something that we should just leave it, not to get involved, he looked very scared and afraid, and then a ghost type of thing apeared in front of him as he was walking away afraid, that ghost had the face of khomeini, and this ghost slit his head off and kept his head in his hand, and then someone else spoke against him, and this ghost slit that mans head also off, and there was this person there and the ghost with the face of khomeini just kept him alive, and this person was begging to be killed and shouting at the ghost of khomeini to kill him, but the ghost kept him alive to see all the people being killed, I was also shouting at the ghost and telling him nonsense to kill me instead or something, but he didn’t kill me, rather made me watch all of the people being beheaded and their heads held in his hand, and then I seen I was at home, and my parents were there and 1 sister, and at home I was worried, my mother was telling me its not my fault, and then I did not want to tell my parents bout this boy who was kept alive like a prisoner and not being killed by khomeini, I know this boy, my mother said I must not worry about all those friends that were killed, and my parents and sister were questioning me about what happened, and I was shouting at them, because I did not want to talk against this ghost, because he will maybe appear and kill me or my family. And then I was sitting alone and worried, and then all of a sudden people came to visit, the men said that my father is going to visit my eldest sister, that’s why they came to visit, and the 1 woman said my sister is going to her house, that’s why she came to vist, and this women asked me through the window if I sleep in that certain room, I used to sleep In that room when I was married, and I said yes, then I woke up. Mufti I don’t know why I feel so afraid right now, I am divorced and live alone right now far away from home, what could be the reason for this dream?

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Asked on April 29, 2014 10:29 pm
Private answer

Sadly, this depicts the spread of Shiasism even in so-called good homes. Some will get saved. Stay with that 'some'. Link yourself to the main stream Tabligh Jamaat and not to individual members.

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Answered on April 29, 2014 10:29 pm