Dreaming About Being in Madinah Sharif

Question ID: 40604

Assalamu alaikum,Respected Mufti Sahab, please interpret a dream for me. I saw that am at a place which I feel is Madinah Sharif.But in the dream it did not look like the Madhinah which is now. I am near the Rouzah-e-Mubarak. There is a barrier (Jali) of iron but one can see through it. Then I saw that there are some more people there and we all are waiting for reading namaz and I was thinking that I will be made Imam by the people who are present there (because I had beard and I think no one else had) and so I was worried as I did not want to become Imam. Then a short man came who had little beard and He led the prayer. After the prayer finished the imam went away and I think the other people also went away. Then I went near the iron gate(Jali) and peeping through I saw the Mazar E Mubarak but it was like a taboot. And I was crying and I was reading Darud Sharif and I was feeling that I am a sinner and then the words came out from my mouth in dream “Ya Rasool Allah” or “Ya Nabi Allah” something of this sort. Then I was thinking that I shouldn’t say the word “Ya”. Then again I realised that I am near the Rouzah -e- Mubarak so I can pronounce this word. And I was crying and crying. I think because of my sins.

Please do the needful and may Allah save me from the negative effects of the dream.

Jazzak Allah!

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Asked on September 9, 2015 8:31 am
Private answer

Will make great strides in reformation (self).

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am