Dream of Father And Cousin

Question ID: 17411

I saw in a dream a big house where my cousin and friend is staying in and is very large and it’s ours so I hear my dad maybe tried to romance my friend so I go and ask her and she tells me half happy and half not then she went to the park with my dad and he touched her face so tenderly and then moves his finger on her nose and cheek and that’s all that happens and then my cousin told me my dad tried it with her too so there is a if gathering at my house my dad sitting inside room and he finds out I know I’m looking for my sister it’s a big room courtyard and stairs and courtyard full of people and my dad shouts from inside if anyone of you tell anything to anyone i will see u and it will t be good I know he’s telling me shouting on top of the noise and I think I don’t care I’m still going to say it to my sister I have to tell her then I’m trying to reach her but she’s far away Like on there stairs and so many people I don’t get to close to her to tell her I’m trying but i wake up what does this mean?

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Asked on September 22, 2015 7:24 pm
Private answer

Father will become generous towards you.

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Answered on October 1, 2015 6:10 pm