Dreaming of Mothers Marriage And Clothes

Question ID: 17378

Had a dream that we are at a beach and my sister is wearing my scarf I ask why she’s wearing it it flies off as it’s windy then I go and catch it my dad tries to tell me doesn’t matter but I take it back. Then I see a room at the top of our house on the roof it’s burning fire and very hot and like devils are inside it me and my cousin attempt to go inside but we don’t we just open the door and we don’t think it’s wise to go inside we also think that it’s our imagination then I tell my mum and my mum says this is my 2nd or 3rd marriage and I want it to work out with your dad so don’t tell me anything there was more to the dream but can’t remember also I think this is the 2nd time I’ve had a dream about my mum saying she has to work out her second marriage my mum’s only been married once to my dad. Also I do have frequent dreams of my sister wearing or having my clothes. What do these things mean please?

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Asked on September 19, 2015 4:40 am
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Answered on October 5, 2015 12:11 pm