A salaam
I had a dream that I’m sitting with this guy I like he’s laying down and my mum sitting on chair Infront of us. I put on a movie in the movie is my fav actor. I see some deaf n dumb ppl who look well they get off a coach and are told to stay in ppls houses they have been told these houses are yours and built for you but when one guy goes into use the house to stay in it he finds its not don’t know if this is part of the movie or real life. I have to pause the movie as I know the dead dumb man is showering downstairs so I there but then he goes and now my younger brothers is having a shower and finds the money my tenant left while he was having a shower my older brother goes to me did u leave some money with uncle ( one my uncles) I say no he says think carefully I say no I then go and check downstairs and call out up my bro who’s showering he doesn’t respond I say I will home downstairs then I see his reflection in the tiles showering but I don’t see his private I go back up stairs he comes out I ask him me my
Older bro he shouts back I find it so I’m keeping it I say don’t do that u no I need to give it to my mortgage he says he won’t give it but I have a feeling he will anyway then we see this duck that gets saved from an old rikshaw that I was driving so much junk in that rikshaw my mum ties it up I tell my mum not to let it near me coz scared she says it won’t then u then my Older bro holds the same dead duck or owl and his gona cook it I see mum my sister my younger bro in my
Parents room my
Bro runs after me to scare me with the owl I run forward step up on parents bed he’s touching the owl paw and feet on me I’m saying ewww and my
Sis sitting on my dad bed and says the same looking at me then I go quiet thinking he will stop