Dream of Water, White Room and Eating

Question ID: 16026

I had a dream where I saw myself in the swimming Poo nice clean water with two of my nephews and then all of a sudden the water drained out like someone stopped the water coning in the swimming Pool I told this man who standing there that The water has drained out and was up to my ankles it seems like he was my uncle he then went and switched on the tap or something the pool was filled again with water. Also the pool was in a well lit white room with a big sliding door lots of light sun coming in there was a bed in the room and like people around me waiting on me to look after me including loved ones. I also saw myself eating Chicken maybe biting into the chickens bum and I realise what I done I put the chicken back in the showroom oven or something I ask the chef man wat it was and he explains its chicken there was more to the dream cannot remember

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Asked on August 15, 2015 1:44 am
Private answer

You should get a better position with better money.

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Answered on August 31, 2015 4:45 pm