Daily Prescribed Dhikr

Question ID: 15473

aslamualykum sir
as you told earlier regarding my quries, and told me that you have to recite 300 times darood daily and also 100 times astagfar daily. i want to know which daroor should i recite daily and what astagfar should i recite daily.
by the mercy of allah i got job right know and please dua for me may allah give success, the job is vary pressurable

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Asked on August 9, 2015 7:29 pm
Private answer

– Start with small Durood and then progress to Durood Ibrahim.
– Astaghfirullaah then to the larger Istighfaar.
– Astaghrifullah min kuli zambin wa atubu illahi.

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Answered on August 18, 2015 2:40 pm