Darse Nizami

Question ID: 17343

Assalamu alaykum
Hazrat, I hope you are in the best of health and well-being.
The Darse Nizami system of Islamic Education is undoubtedly very ideal.The ulama who have studied through the Darse Nizami are nearly all Hanafi,so they practice the Hanafi madhab and also give their fatawa based on the Hanafi madhab.
Below are a few questions which I would be extremely grateful if you answer.

1) If a person studies the Darse Nizami system, does he gain enough knowledge of the fiqh of the other three schools( Maliki,Hanbali and Shafi) to be able to pass fatawa according to the other 3 schools also?( for followers of those schools)

2) If the answer to the first question is ‘ No’ , then what advice would you have for an Aalim who is done with Darse Nizami , but wants to master the other 3 schools of fiqh also?

3) Would you recommend non-Hanafis to pursue the Darse Nizami for Islamic education?

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Asked on September 11, 2015 11:54 pm
Private answer

1) Whilst studying the Darse Nizami one will study the views, proofs of all 4 Mazhabs.
But one will NOT be qualified as yet to state ‘fatawas’ as per any one particular ‘Mazhab’.
2) Then one should specialise in Fish. Post Moulana studies.
3) Definitely. They are so many who do so.

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Answered on September 22, 2015 9:52 pm
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Answered on September 22, 2015 6:38 pm