Dream of Gift of Colour Eyeliners

Question ID: 40673


I had a dream someone has given me an eyeliner for my birthday basically I put eyeliner on and I think it’s one colour ie black and it’s like rainbow shades of different colours I.e red yellow pink blue green etc it’s not blended colours at all I.e each colour you can see separately. As soon as I put it on to my eyes the colours show out and they lookreally nice and someone asks me what is this you wearing I told them that this eyeliner someone bought me and then I look at the bottle of the eyeliner and it’s basically digital so if I press the touch screen of the digital bottle it changes the eyeliner colours I.e it can be one colour at one time or rainbow colours I.e red yellow green purple pink blue green you can see each colour individually on the eye it’s not mixed but it’s all in one line if that makes sense. What this mean please

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Asked on March 10, 2015 5:33 pm
Private answer

People are presenting too many ‘versions’ of Islaam to you.
Do not get confused. Adopt the path of Quraan and Sunnat.

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am