Dream of Buying Herbs and Meat

Question ID: 40682


I had a dream that I went to this herbal store it’s upstairs in a house but it’s covered into shop and me my sis her friend We are going to buy something and I’m asking the store guy for 2 things one is a dry herb and the other is like gelatine meat or something and as I’m asking the guy what it is how much what’s it used for my sis keep saying don’t buy it it’s human gelatine l and I say no it’s animals and I’m just about to buy I stop as I ask the seller who’s gelatine it is he says animal and my sis say he kills people and takes their gelatine and makes it and then I’m like hmmm I don’t buy my sis leaves the shop with her friend I’m still there the seller starts to come near me like to molest me maybe even rape and kill me and then I’m saying no he stops as I think someone or my sister comes back up the stairs to the shop. Please tell me what this means?

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Asked on July 10, 2015 1:22 pm
Private answer

Do not buy herbs as medication. It will have adverse results.

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am