Brothers getting together for a meal

Question ID: 29748

slms,hope you in the best of health,we are 3 brothers living separately now,every once a week we get together at each brothers house in turn for supper since we used to gather at our parents house,our wives do not have any objections,purdah is observed as shariah law,our children also get together,no lavish meal just normal curry and even water on the table,no cool drinks,now other family members are saying it is an old family tradition,what do you suggest, do we stop getting together.

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Asked on January 10, 2014 3:37 pm
Private answer

You may continue getting together in this manner as long as you are particular about Halaal food, Hijaab and that no other Shaari Law is contravened.

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Answered on January 10, 2014 3:37 pm