Rights of Wife Over Husband Getting a Second Wife

Question ID: 16033

Asalaamoe Alaikom Waraghmatullahi Wabarakatoe Respected Mufti

What is the rights of a Woman if her husbands want to marry a second Wife? Can the wife say No she does not want the husband to. What is Husbands rights if he wants marry a second Wife? The do’s and dont’s for both party involved.

Jazakalaah Gheir

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Asked on August 17, 2015 9:31 am
Private answer

The wife cannot stop the husband from taking a second wife.
However, the husband has to treat both wives equally in those matters that can be divided otherwise he will be committing sin leading to Jahannum. This division is a very delicate matter which most people do NOT adhere to.

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Answered on August 31, 2015 4:39 pm