Helping the muslim countries that are suffering;victory

Question ID: 30196

Assalamualykum Mufti

1)The Muslim countries are in a mess. How can we help other than by donating money and making dua for those suffering?

2) There are so many practacing Muslims in the world and many people also change their lives for the better after listening to bayans. Also there are mamy madressas and darul ulooms from which many students graduate on an annual basis. Furthermore in recent years, the number of people going for Umrah has increased phenomenoly – the Haramain are busy not only in Ramadan but in many months. Why then has victory not come to the Muslims after so long ?

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Asked on August 31, 2013 3:38 pm
Private answer

1) By enjoining what is Right and forbidding evil. By bringing the Sunnat in out and our families daily lives. Become well wishers to all.

2) Look at those going and coming, do you see Islaam in/on them. When Muslims become Momins then the help of Allaah will come.

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Answered on August 31, 2013 3:38 pm