Validity of marriage

Question ID: 29740

Asalam alaykum I hope my question can be answered. My husband divorced me over a year ago and I moved back with my family, we hardly had any contact since. But about a month ago he contacted me and said he took back the divorce 20 days after he first said the words and that we are still married. Is that marriage still valid and does he have right to do that without my knowledge or my parents knowledge?

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Asked on February 3, 2014 7:49 pm
Private answer

1) His statement is not valid. You remain divorced.

2) If he divorced you one or two times then you can re-marry him by making a new Nikaah with him.

3) If he divorced you three times then you cannot re-marry him unless you get married to and divorced from someone else, etc.

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Answered on February 3, 2014 7:49 pm