Dried impurity

Question ID: 29762

Asslam u alaikum
. I keep a separate sheet and 2 pillows when I have relation with my husband, after about 3-4 months , I wash them since it is difficult to wash them every time, when we sleep on dry najas sheets, impurity does not transfer, but sometimes our body and face and head are oily,impurity might have transfered in that case and I see small minute white particles on the sheet, they may be dried najasat. Before taking bath, we wash hands and use towel, towel touches our dry body too. It is possible that dried impurity is on our dry body parts and makes towel dirty too. My kids use that towel too and in turn they are dirty too.please advice me, am I supposed to wash all their bedding? Thanks

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Asked on January 10, 2014 2:24 pm
Private answer

Wash all bedding. After relationship change sheets and wash them.

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Answered on January 10, 2014 2:24 pm