Dreaming of nurses chopping up dead bodies;having 2 husbands

Question ID: 28219

assalamoalikum w.w. mufti saheb i have two dreams on separate occasions in ramadhan in the first one i dreamt that i visited the hospital and the nurses at the hospital were chopping up the dead like the way we chop up a goat when we do qurbani and i was very scared after i left the hospital. in the second one i dreamt that i had two husbands and both were the same person and were both going on a journey when the first one embraced me he hugged and kissed me and we looked into one anothers eyes lovingly when i embraced the second one i did not greet him like the first instead i kept my eyes closed while he embraced me and he also seemed abit jealous of the first husband i am a bit confused please try to explain jazakallah

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Asked on October 4, 2008 12:00 am
Private answer

Your husband is going to go on 2 journeys, One you think is dangerous but actually not so and vice versa.

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Answered on October 4, 2008 12:00 am