Clause that gives the bride power of divorce

Question ID: 26655

In our country, Bangladesh, at the time of marriage nothing is informed to the bridegroom, but in the marriage registration form where the bridegroom signs just after marriage, later it is written that the bridegroom has delegated power to the bride for divorce (Talaq-i- Tawfeez) by the marriage register as writing this is mandatory as per Govt. rule. Later in many cases the wife uses this power for the dessolution of marriage, and gets separated. After 3 months she goes for another marriage. Is it correct as per sharia? Please inform.

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Asked on August 8, 2014 5:59 pm
Private answer

This is not correct. To insert such a clause without informing the bridegroom is totally un-Islaamic. Via this un-Islaamic insertion chaos, sin, divorce, and immorality is going to spread. Talaaq-i-Tawfeez is permissible but requires the clear approval of the bridegroom without him being under duress.

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Answered on August 8, 2014 5:59 pm