I afzalkhan of mauritius, studied in azzadville madrassah and qualified in the year 2001 and proceeded with iftaa course at the same madrassah. few years ago we came together with our ustaad hazrat maulana fazlur rahmaan azmi to your place . Alham dulillah i was very happy .
now i am in mauritius doing imaamat and madrassah work and engaged in jamaat work as well.
the reason for writing this e-mail is that i am actually thinking of publishing some books in our language (creole) and for this reason i need some ideas and naseehat from Mufti saheb who is very experienced in this field. jazaakumullah.
Read your E-mail in Masjid-e-Nabawi. Madinah. May Allaah reward you. Start with small books +- 30 pages, look for funder, look for market, set up web site, set aside daily targets, allocate daily time.