Walking of a wet floor that had dirty clothes

Question ID: 26220

Assalam o aliakum, I’m suffering from OCD and I get stuck with things when it comes to cleaning. I put all sorts of dirty clothes in my laundry bin and sometimes when I need to sort them out for washing I put them on the floor, sometime there might be a few drops of water or the clothes might be wet (that could be in my head) if I walk on that floor with wet feet does that make me napaak? thank you so much for your help.

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Asked on May 16, 2014 8:24 pm
Private answer

Address your situation. Shaytaan is playing havoc with you.

Unless you are a 100 certain that what you have stepped on is impure (like urine) your feet will not be napaak.

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Answered on May 16, 2014 8:24 pm