Temporarily believing in a false prophet

Question ID: 26147

If a certain person temporarily believe in a false Prophet, does he enter a state of kuffr? Upon realizing his mistake, he asks Allah for forgiveness, and believes in Muhammed (SAW) as the final Prophet. If he previously performed Hajj, would he need to repeat, as a result of possibly having entered into kuffr?

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Asked on June 17, 2014 4:57 pm
Private answer

If a Muslim held such a wrong belief then he has left the fold of Islaam. If s/he was married then their Nikaah has broken. After repenting and returning to the fold of Islaam he will have to make Nikaah again and if he had performed Hajj he will have to perform it again. He should make Shukr to Allaah that Allaah saved him from kufr and shirk.

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Answered on June 17, 2014 4:57 pm