Process of Remarrying after Divorce

Question ID: 15056

Asalaamualaikom Waraghmatulaahi Wabarakatoe

I forced my husband to divorce me which he did. The MJC gave me talak papers which means that i have to marry a other husband in order to marry first husband again. Then the Imam who married us the first time said it is not nessasary for wife to marry a other husband and married the two of us again. I want to knw is this marraige valid coz alot of educated people say its not?

Jazakalaah kheir

Marked as spam
Asked on July 27, 2015 2:13 pm
Private answer

If your husband divorced you 3 times then you have to marry another first.

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Answered on August 11, 2015 1:43 pm