aslamulikum wr wb
actually i have a question regarding and my wife had sex and after the sex in a joke (ajj ma na russian larki ka sath sex kar diya , chal ja)when i said these words whisper came in my head was it niyaat or not you said her Chal ja.because i pretended my wife was a russian girl .then i start thinking why i said to my wife these word and was it my niyaat or not.because 2 month before i got lot waswasa of divorce which was over now again this word caused me to think about it.there is a big problem with me , since i got waswasa of divorce i read and listen lot about divorce.and usually when i use the word (Go from here,chal ja yahan sa)i mean for her to go from the room , this one i know it was not my niyaat but still i get this waswasa of divorce.but later i dont think it stop.with this i dont use any words or talk with my wife.i am confused about niyat of russian girl word.but Allah knows what was my niyat.that thing comes in my head maybe it was my niyaat for divroce then all tabligh and worship will finish and ALLah will ask you for this waswasa my tabligh is finished and sometime my naamaz is missing.and when i try to do tauba and then again whisper comes you are divorced and doing zina with wife maybe and thats why Allah is not calling you for namaz,tabligh ibdaat.i know it sounds crazy mufti sahab but it’s a big problem i dont want this.can you tell me if nikkah is valid of word russian girl.chal ja word often comes on my tongue whether to my wife or any other person who im having a conversation with and there is one request mufti sahab i want ba’it from someone who can show me the right way please .i am paki and live in jeddah saudi arabia.