Splashes of water that you cannot find the source of

Question ID: 26648

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem AssalaamuAlaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Mufti When washing in the toilet there seems to be a puddle of water that forms on the floor , I’m not sure still where does this water come from , is it napaak or not ? Meaning is it water coming out from where I’m washing the impurity or elsewhere . I think once I saw it dripping from the bottom of the jug but I can’t be sure and if this water if napaak or paak ? .
2) If it is napaak water and then while I’m washing water keeps dripping into the puddle and then it ends up splashing on my legs etc at first I was wiping all the drops on my leg before I stand until I read Mufti’s answer , with regards to question 10985 on the 24 of march 2014 i want to know if my situation the same answer applies ? Are those splashes napaak , will I have to wipe it or must I ignore it ?

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Asked on August 8, 2014 6:10 pm
Private answer

1) Regard it as paak (pure).

2) Regard it as paak (pure).

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Answered on August 8, 2014 6:10 pm