Splashes of napaak on the clothes

Question ID: 18861

Respected Mufti saheb

I have some questions. Please answer as soon as possible.

1) I put wet semen stained clothes on the shower and it also touched the wall attached to the shower.so my question is if I wash the shower and attached wall with a pipe then there will be chances of it splahing water back on me as well as on the pipe.should I consider that water naapak?I mean whether me and the pipe both will become naapak?if yes thn how to wash them?

2) if I put wet urine clothes in the bucket and if I wash that bucket with water and if water inside the bucket falls on me then will I become naapak? or if some water drops while washing the bucket splashes on me then will those water drops be considered najis?

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Asked on September 24, 2014 2:55 pm
Private answer

1) Once you poured water it will become paak (pure).

2) If the water which is na-paak (impure) falls on your clothing then where it fell will also be na-paak.


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Answered on September 24, 2014 2:55 pm