Salaah as a Musafir or Muquim

Question ID: 15067

Assalamu alaikum,Respected Sir, I took a holiday from office for 15 days and went to Mumbai from Kolkata. I did not take a return ticket. I thought I will be back within 15 days and so after arriving in Mumbai I read my namaz as Qasr. But it happened so that I had to extend my holiday for a week as I has some work which was not done. So it crossed my 15 days then also I was reading my namaz as Qasr. Then after a week I wanted to come back but the tickets were not avaiable and it was raining and many trains were not running also. So again I had to increase my days of holiday for a week or more. But during this second extend of days I read my namaz as a muquim as I thought that since I have crossed a period of more than 15 days which a traveller has. So I have become a Muquim and I am no more a Musafir.So I want to ask should I read the namaz which I read as Qasr after fifteen days as Qadha now in my home towm, Kolkata or should I leave it as what I did is ok.
Jazzak Allah!

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Asked on July 27, 2015 5:38 pm
Private answer

You should NOT have read your Salaat in Qasr mode.
all what you read in Qasr should be made Qadha thereof in Qaza Qadha format.

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Answered on August 11, 2015 1:43 pm