Salaah and droplets of urine

Question ID: 23627

Assalamalaikhom Respected Mufti Saheb,
Please advise me with a condition that i have. Sometimes after i urinate, a drop of urine may leak out, this is after i have sat a few extra minutes in the toilet and tried my best to relieve myself of all the urine. Sometimes i’ve had to wash and change twice in succession. i take extra care in the toilet to ensure that all the urine come out, but sometimes i am not successful. what happens regarding my salaah, can i still perform salaah, if a drop leaks out, despite my best efforts
Jazakallah Khairun

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Asked on May 23, 2010 12:00 am
Private answer

Do not become doubtful. Clean as best as possible.
Do not let certainty be destroyed by doubt.

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Answered on May 23, 2010 12:00 am