Photos of oneself where a maulana can see

Question ID: 32079

Assalamualeikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Mufti Saab,

A prominent young Maulana in our town has a question and answer group on whatsapp for girls/ladies only. The girls/ladies ask him all for kinds of fatwas especially female related. Some even contact him one to one via whatsapp for private fatwas. Some contacts do have photos of themselves as profile pictures and most of the ladies/girls are from our own community thus he knows them facially whereas some are his close relatives i.e. near cousins,aunts etc.

Islamically is this right?

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Asked on August 22, 2014 1:06 pm
Private answer

Something is wrong with this so-called 'prominent' young Moulana. Soon lewdness, immodesty, and immorality will spread and the moulage will be its leader. Ladies should ask these sensitive questions through his wife, sister, or mother.

Marked as spam
Answered on August 22, 2014 1:06 pm