Assalam o alaikum,
Respected Sir, I want to ask that how is that when a particular question is asked from a Mufti of Hanafi fiqh and the same question when asked from another Mufti of Hanafi fiqh both give different answers. Do they study the same hadith and follow the same principles of shariah or different. If it is same then how the answer is different and the practice (amal) is also different. Like Barailwi Mufti and Deoband Mufti.
2. Sometimes the question asked to a mufti who studied in Deoband or at its branch and the same question asked to a different mufti of the same school of thought i.e. either studied in Deoband or at its branch has a different answer, how and why is that. It becomes a litle confusing. Not all the questions has a different answer but some of do has a different answer. Could you please explain and avoid my and other person like me who has the same issue. Thanking You!
Jazzak Allah!