Assalamu alaikum,
Respected Mufti Sahab, I want to know that I use toothpaste of Colgate co. but recently I saw the ingredients written on the toothpaste beside other components there was alcohol also. So can we use the toothpaste or stop using it. Nearly all the toothpaste uses some haram ingredients or the other, is it ok to use it or should we try another alternative which would be a little hectic.
2.) A person has one income from halal business and another income from haram business (earns by organising band in bar). Now he mixes both the money and buys food, clothes, and other things of daily use. Uses this mixed income to buy cow for qurbani and also give charity and gives zakat out of this mixture of halal and haram money. They give gifts like shirt and other things of use to the relatives and us at times of Eid and other occasions. Can we take it and use it. Will our namaz be valid by wearing those shirt and saying namaz. So should we go to his house to visit him and when he gives snacks and food to eat, should one eat it or avoid it or should tell him because of your haram income we are not eating. This might offend him and can cause break in relation also as they are our near relative and neighbours.
What is the correct view and answer according to situation and shariat. Some ulema say that is it lawful to eat mixed income. What is the solution to this for both the parties, one who is earing and the other who are taking it.
Throw some of your ilm light to us also.
Jazzak Allah!.