
Question ID: 18946

AssalamuAlaikum Respected mufti. For a long time there was a jinn in my room. There is also a jinn in me sent with jadu. Since the jinn in my room, i started seeing jinn sometimes. Not how they actually look but a shadowy figure. I can also feel when there are jinn around me. I see something else too but i have no idea what it is. It started when I was reading salaah and when I was looking down at the mussallah, I could see the air sort of shimmering and moving. Then the one day the jinn in me was troubling and it took control of me, talking through me. At that time a short distance away I saw the air shimmering and moving again. When I really look at it, it looks like a fine drizzle of rain coming down really fast in different directions. The jinn was talking through me so my mum started reading Ayatul Kursi on me and the ‘drizzle’ started coming closer and denser while she was reading. Since then I see the ‘drizzle’ all the time in my house, in every part of the house. When I read manzil aloud in my room, the ‘drizzle’ is very dense and I see it clearer. Last week I woke up just before fajr adhaan and the lights were gone and in the darkness all around me and in the lounge (my door was open). I saw not a drizzle but something different. It was sort of like a tv on and nothing playing, where the tv has those black and grey stuff moving, I dont watch tv anymore so it cant be that the tv was playing on my mind and I definitely wasnt imagining it) I saw it for around half an hour. When I asked my aunt, she couldnt see anything but it was really clear to me. When the lights came back and was switched off, I couldnt see it anymore but I could still see the ‘drizzle’. Does Mufti perhaps know what I am seeing? Can Mufti explain it? Jazakallah

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Asked on September 5, 2014 3:28 pm
Private answer

1) For 40 days, recite Surah Baqarah aloud daily.

2) Recite the Manzil and blow on water, allowing a little saliva to fall inside, and drink. Do this daily.

3) Keep oranges in the home.

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Answered on September 5, 2014 3:28 pm