Imaam not Allowing Mistakes to be Corrected

Question ID: 13736

Asalaam U alaikum
Dear Mufti

In our town in Empangeni, Kwa Zulu Natal the Imam(an Aalim) is not correcting or allowing mistakes in tharawee to be corrected. He is making himself look good to the community. Many hufaz even those who are reading with him have informed the public. Should he be fired from his job? or you please advice what steps should be taken.

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Asked on July 10, 2015 9:52 am
Private answer

If he is making open mistakes, then tape it. Play it to the trustees. They must address the situation. It is a very serious matter. The Rakaats wherein the errors have NOT been corrected are NOT valid.

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Answered on July 14, 2015 6:21 pm