Imaam lead salaah without wudhu

Question ID: 26209

as salaam u alaikum. Many years ago I was put as Imam for Fajr Salaah and I did not have wudhu, however since I was not Allah fearing at that time I didn’t bother telling the Musallis and also because they would think bad of me if they knew. This has recently come to haunt me and I do not know what to do, how can I ever cover up for al those musallis that read behind me and I definitely know that it is not possible to tell the musallis because I don’t know who they are. Please help me and advise me how Allah swt can forgive me and how this can be rectified.

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Asked on May 19, 2014 3:28 pm
Private answer

Better to rectify it now then to pay heavily for it in the Aakhirat.

Speak to the Imaam, have it written on the Masjid board that the Musalis should make 2 Rakaat Qaza of a Fajr which was not performed as per Shariat. Not necessary to give further details. Let that notice run for a week and then remove it. (If you can remember the approximate date it would be useful to add it in the notice.)

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Answered on May 19, 2014 3:28 pm