How Moulana A Desai of the Majlis very rudely and disgracefully refers to other Muslim

Question ID: 25948

Asalaamu Alaikum,

Mufti Saab, I find it disgusting at the way Moulana A Desai of the Majlis very rudely and disgracefully refers to other Muslims. Cases in point are his referral to Channel Islam as Channel Shaitaan and of Moulana Bham as the Reverend Bham. His recent attack on Hashim Amla, referring to him as a monkey and prostitute is a disgrace especially considering he is a Moulana. Who is he to judge people? Does he believe he is a perfect human being to be able to judge and insult people such as Hashim Amla who has done a significant amount of work to make people see the beauty of Islam. His non-muslim team mates respect him and several have praised his dedication and devotion to his religion and his exemplary character. So what right has Moulana Desai have to insult this ambassador of Islam. Moulana Desai should look at ways of unifying the Ummah and not alienating people. Your comments will be highly appreciated and we make dua that Allah guides this loose cannon that is doing more harm to Islam than most people and has made a laughing stock of himself. May Allah guide him and clear his obviously warped mind.


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Asked on November 29, 2012 2:00 am
Private answer

Who are you to judge him? Study Islaamic History, you will find that as per the temperament of the people ALLAAH send a Nabi accordingly. sometimes firm, other time soft but in the shariat of Hadhrat Muhammad (S.A.W) all types of people have been catered for. Thus if one method does not work use another. In different situations different methods are used. Thus Moulana has got his method. His services will and cannot be forgotten. Your definition of 'Ambassador of Islaam' is not correct. My suggestion is to meet the man.
Enjoining what is Right and forbidding eveil has various levels, degrees, methods and stages. Firmness can be seen in the life of Sahabah (R.A.). Actions of Nabi (S.A.W), Hadhrat Abu Bakr (R.A.), Hadhrat Umar (R.A.) and Hadhrat Ali (R.A.) can be read. True Ambassodors of Islaam are the sahabah (R.A.) - read our translation of 'Hayaatus Sahabah' for more details.
If a person is buring in a house, a robber is about to steal, a murder about to happen, now when raising the alarm are you going to for in for 'Tajqeed' lessons.
There are different methods for different situation whilst different react differently.
See the severity, velocity of the sin and firstly recognize sin to be sin which most do not know - this reformation is virtually impossible.
Poet says:-
Do say without thinking
, Say the correct thing
Even if is, said after a while
What is the difficulty.

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Answered on November 29, 2012 2:00 am