Halaal and haraam income

Question ID: 39638

Assalam o alaikum, Hope you are fine by the Grace of Allah Subhan’o’ Twala.

Respected Sir, I want some clarifications on halal and haram money. Someone works in a Hotel where they serve food as well as wine and there is an orchestra where people sing and music is played. He earns his living by working as a partner and divides the money earned through it among his collegues.

My question is: Is his money haram which he is earning through the band? A person has taken a loan from him and then added his income which was halal and bought a flat. Living in that flat will be lawful or unlawful?

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Asked on October 1, 2014 3:14 pm
Private answer

The money is Haraam. Living in the flat is lawful.

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Answered on October 1, 2014 3:14 pm