Dreaming of someone going for hajj

Question ID: 18923

Assalamu alaikum mufti saab – please intrepid the following dreams.
In reality, my cousin brother passed away some time ago. his elderly wife will be going for haj this year (2014)

Dream 1 before Fajr – I dreamt of my cousin brother telling me that “from tomorrow you must come” while lifting some books from the table and then putting it back on the table.

Few days later
Dream 2 also before Fajr – in the dream I went to visit her before going for Haj. upon arriving at her house, she mentioned that “uncle X is already gone for haj without telling anyone. I replied that I heard the rumour so it must be true” The uncle X referred to here passed away some 2 to 4 years ago.

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Asked on September 8, 2014 3:34 pm
Private answer

1) Appointment of duty and new responsibility indicated.

2) Some one is making his Hajj-e-Baddal.

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Answered on September 8, 2014 3:34 pm