Salam alaikum,
I am a sister, who is unmarried and saw the following dream:
I saw a young boy (2-3 years old). I felt a lot of love and concern for him, and closely followed behind him and his father. We ended up in a clothes shop where the father walked towards the counter as the child roamed freely around the clothes. I looked towards the father showing my concern of allowing the boy to wander freely by himself and the father gave me a nod to tell me to look after him. I followed the child around the shop and someone said this child is the descendent of Fatima (RA). He then ran out into an alleyway. I could hear two people talking and suddenly felt concerned about the well-being of the child and hurried towards him, when a mother and a child appeared from the alleyway. Something inside of me told me that this mother and child were poor and cannibals. They attacked the child from behind and stabbed him in the back, I intervened and grabbed the boy who at this point seemed lifeless (I think).