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Assalamu Alaikum Respected Mufti. Can Mufti please interpret this dream for me. I dream my family and I were in the car travelling. My dad stopped by a few waterfalls for us to see. I got off the car and went to see the waterfall. Then the dream changed where I was watching a scene and not in the dream. It was like a jungle and there was a lion. The lion was hungry and looking for food. It caught a few animals. There were people in the dream that were hiding from the lion. One guy decided to go back to save some people who were still behind. I think the lion went after him but he was saved. Then the dream changed again. My mum and I were in a valley. There was a waterfall and outside it there was something like stalagtites. It was beautiful but I knew it was dangerous. At the base of the waterfall there was bubbling lava that was grey in colour. While watching the lava, I saw lights start to appear in tha lava and I thought it’s beautiful. My mum called my brother to come and see but he was sleeping on top of a mountain. I knew The lion was still around but we couldn’t see it. Then the dream changed and my there were few mountain peaks. My brother was sleeping on the highest one, he was sick with a flu or something and I was glad he was up the highest and safe. My mum and I were also sleeping on two seperate mountain peaks. I knew my dad was also around but there was no mountain for my dad so he went to sleep at another place. Then the dream changed and my mum, brother and I were sleeping in a 5 star cabin in the mountains. My dad was in another cabin that was some distance away. The lion was no longer in the dream. I was laying down and I thought it’s like camping and I was enjoying it. Than it was morning. My dad was in our cabin and I went to make tea. The cup was dirty so I began washing it to mix the tea and my dream ended there. ( The place we were staying at was a halfway stop to go on to somewhere else). Jazakallahu khair
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Dreaming of seeing a waterfall then lion
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