Dreaming of husband

Question ID: 24904

aslm moulana please could you tell me the following meaning of the two dreams that I had. Please note. that at the moment my husband is working aboard and in not good terms with me.
the dreams are:
1) i was sitting and talking with my husband about the beauty of this world, i then told him did you know that Allah gave this world and Yusuf (as) 50% of beauty, the rest was given to our beloved Prophet (saw), a beautiful bright light came from me and onto my husband.2) my husband sent be a bouquet of pink roses a green paper was wrapped around them, attached was a card that said he would like to meet up with me and requested that i wear a certain abaya. i wore the requested abaya and i took with me one of the pink roses for him. (i do wear abaya and niqaab)
awaiting reply.

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Asked on January 1, 1970 12:00 am
Private answer

Both dreams denote you should reconcile.

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am