Dreaming of being in a cave with someone and Nabi SAW

Question ID: 26922

Assalamualaikum Mufti, I had a dream last night. I dreamt I was in a cave, and it was myself, another man, and someone I thought to be Nabi S.A.W, and Nabi S.A.W was creaping out of the cave, and the other man was telling him not to go, I think he said its not safe, and the person I thought to believe was Nabi S.A.W just ignored him and continued going out, in my dream I thought somebody was pulling him out, because his feet went out first, but I realised I was wrong, and I just sat there and in my dream I thought to myself that this can not be our Baloved Nabi S.A.W because Nabi S.A.W was the most humble of people and he would have listened to the words of the other man, and after the man I thought to be was Nabi S.A.W went out of the cave he stood outside with other people, but I never seen any of their faces, they were facing forward and I seen them from the back, even the face of the man I thought to be in my dream Nabi S.A.W I never seen his face, he was facing front. And I woke up. Is there any significance to this dream? Jazaakallah

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Asked on March 17, 2014 7:14 pm
Private answer

Shows the superiority of Hadhrat Abu Bakr (R.A.)

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Answered on March 17, 2014 7:14 pm