1. Is there such a concept as binding & non-binding Sunnats in the sense of those that are established in fiqh, which are binding, and those that relate to the habits and practices of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam which are not?
2. If so, how does a layperson diffrentiate between the two?
1) The Illustrious Imaams of Fiqh have classified what is Sunnat with its different levels for us laymen.
2) Adhere to that which will bring you total clarity; follow your Imaam of Fiqh.
3) The Four Sunnats before the Four Faraidh of Zohr are 'Sunnat-e-Muakkida'. the Four Sunnats before the Four Faraidh of Esha are 'Sunnat-e-Ghair-Muakkidah'.