2 jamaats made for the same salaah in the same mosque

Question ID: 26855

Assalam o alaikum,

Sir want to ask whether two jamats of any Fardh namaz could be done in the same mosque. For eg. if one jamat has read Zuhar namaz with jamat in the mosque and another group of people come afterwards and make their jamat of Zuhar namaz in the same mosque will it be valid and is it ok from a hanafi point of view.
Some say that it can be done leaving the place where the Imam has stood for the namaz. Can it be done in the second saff (line). Some say that is permissible if the place is changed in the masjid the second jamat can be made.Some say it can be done on the terrace of the mosque under the sky. What is the correct condition. Please avoid confusion.

Jazzak Allah!

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Asked on May 19, 2014 4:56 pm
Private answer

It is best that the second Jamaat be done in the terrace, courtyard of the Masjid. If the Masjid is on a main road and people use it as a stopover then there will be �validity of a second Jamaat within the Masjid itself. The justification of the second needs proper investigation.

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Answered on May 19, 2014 4:56 pm