Download Publications & Audio (1756)
Showing 401-420 of 1756
Salaah Checklist- With Small Duaas
Ahadith 40 - Chapter 20 - Ml Muhammed Saeed Suliman
More About The Sighting Of The Moon
Our Belief On Isa A.S
Khattam Khwajagaan
The Rights Owed To Muslims
Lecture - Views - Various Groups Around World
Lecture - Shia - 10 Aug 89
Message And Food For Thought For Returning Hajjies
RI - In Focus - Tahaarah - 19 Jun 00
Special Laws For Females
Islaamic Education - Book Five
Lecture - Ramadan - Laylatul Qadr
Lecture - Muslim Perspective Of Isa A.S
Ahadith 40 - Chapter 8 - Ml Waris Ali
The Laws Of The Beard And The Hair
QnA - RI - 26 Jul 05
A Ghair Muqallid Writes That The Four Madhaahib Are A Bidah
Rewards Of Salaah Read With Jamaat
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Showing 401-420 of 1756
The Talaaq is valid. You are no longer husband and wife.
Both dreams denote you should reconcile.
Hasbunallah wa Nimal Wakeel wa Nimal Moula wa Niman Naseer
1) Avoid bad company who want to harm you although you find it difficult to do so.
2) Yes.
Jadoo – Black magic
Aamil – One who is an expert in dealing with removing evil effects and rebellious Jinns, yes read Surah Baqarah for 40 days around in the house.
Make intention of Tahajjud. Allaah will reward.
Surah Quraish.
The answer explains.
Stay close to that Aalim take his advices seriously.
Read your E-mail in Masjid-e-Nabawi. Madinah. May Allaah reward you. Start with small books +- 30 pages, look for funder, look for market, set up web site, set aside daily targets, allocate daily time.
1) Depends on his job description
2) We have no Shariat courts in South Africa. Are you trying your level best to exonerate Sanha? A ‘faasiqs’ evidence is not acceptable in matters of ‘Hudood’
They are taking nonsense. Do not be perturbed. As long as he died a Muslim be happy.
Be regular in Salaat.
Encourage then to do so also.
Read Manzil daily.
Read Surah Waqiqah before bed nightly – all.
It is Makrooh to do so.
Do it now and then.
Think about you on pulsiraat and meaning of what is been read – it will help.
For now, avoid suspicion and be thankful for what you got. His abuse is totally un-Islaamic.
Cook well,feed him well.
Make Duaa. When you avoid been sensative he will calm down.
Have firm faith in Allaah and his plans
Pay your debts. That is more important. If it is their and they are Baligh they will have to pay pro-rata. Pay 2 1/2% on the amount if it is yours.
See to his debts, or his relatives who may be in need.
Avoid all the causes that lead to it. List them. Avoid them.
To please him by recognising/remembering him.
Doing acts even if they be small that please him.
Join the company of those who doso
I do not understand
A muslim Male can take more than one wife (max 4). It is called Polygany.
And to treat them all equally in all aspects.
Whatever they ask you to do within the laws of Shariaat, if it is possible for you to do – do.
Seeking beneficial Ilm is laudable.
Permissible education is permissible.
That person is a sinner
Read La Hawla wa la Quwata Ilaah Billaa hil alee hill Atheem. A lot.
Adhere to Sunnat firmly.
If Allaah wills.
Pre marrital relationship is Haraam. See law of Hijaab and intermingling of gender.
1) There is room for permissibility see ‘Fiqh academy research’
2) Permissible see Darul Uloom Binori Town Fatawa
3) Permissible see – vol 3 second last question of Jawaharul Fiqh – Mufti Abdus Salaam Panjgaami Sahib. Also Moulana Fazal Rahman Aazmi- Sheikul Hadith of Darul Uloom Azaadville give notes to his students not officialy published.
1) His enemy is some one posing as his well wisher.
2) These days people ‘disappear’ even after signing on the dotted line. Try elsewhere.
Some enemies will take advantage of you.
Give some Saqadah.
There are few people who are trying their level best to stop you, distract you, prevent you from Hajj identify them. Remove them. At times it could be obstacles and commitments also that prevent.
Although it is for a futile activity. If it is permissible and no legal clause against doing so then permissible.
Best to abstain.
Order fruit platter.
Haraam, until proven Halaal.
Best make Nikah and allow consummation to take place. ‘Proposal come unexpected’ is not Sharee reason for delaying anything.
You are living in sin.
For more clarification contact any Darul Uloom.
Saniyyah = Radiant; Beautiful; Resplendence.
Read Manzil blow on water, let saliva go in drink.
Read for 40 days Surah Baqarah loudly in home all evil will go come night.
Possible to have child.
See on site Kitaabus Saum
Most so called Islaamic schools are far from Islaam.
However if the fund raising is held, organised, driven. attended only by females in the day then there is room for permissibilty.
This is open deception avoid.
In ‘baain’ you have to wait for iddat to terminate.
Be responsible for your actions.
Marry her. The child will not inherit from the 2/3 of your estate.
Salaat valid, Makrooh.
Books are available-
See- Seerat Ayesha – Sayed Suliman Nadvi (Urdu)
– Ayesha by Abbot
Increase recitation of Durood.
You must be more careful.
However you are not out of the fold of Islaam.
We are fortunate, in Shariat, one is not accountable for stray, horrible, weird or bad thoughts.
Not that i know of
1) There is no official Sunnat dress. The dress of the pious Ulema on any region is the Sunnat dress.
2) Yes. See book – Crown of the believers and Book by Moulana Fazal Rahman on Topee, Kurta and Turban for details.
3) See Tabligh Made Easy on site.
Immediately after Salaat, not proven- If done, it is an Bidat.
Salaat Jazana – is a Duaa in its self
All answers to your questions can be found in "Taqleed Made Easy" and "Why follow one Imaam of Fiqh" see site.
If dangerous one can kill.
The narrations dubious.
1) Wrongly given
2) Simple barter, but in Jannat all are beatiful.
3) Some say it did not happen. It did – concept of forgiveness.
You on track.
To repay the rights, dues, effects of a man to be forgiven.
I do not know. If done, it is the correct procedure.
Remove the cancer otherwise it will spread.
Anal sex is Haraam.
Someone is making ‘jadoo’ take her to a good, realible Aamil.
Sons get 1/4 each
Daughters get 1/8 each
Wife gets 1/8
Give that amount to some poor person in this case.
I in the light of Shariaat, considering especially the issue of Hijaab hold the view that a female should not go to these co-ed varsity. Also due to morality levels etc.
It is permissible to visit the grave of Rasulullah (S.A.W)
. Most Ulema do not prefer the research of Sheikh Albani
Kindly do not confuse the two countries. In South Africa the Ulema have taken up the Rainbow Chicken issue. Please contact the Ulema of Saudia to take up your queries. Do not shoot your gun using my shoulder.
Kindly do not confuse the two countries. In South Africa the Ulema have taken up the Rainbow Chicken issue. Please contact the Ulema of Saudia to take up your queries. Do not shoot your gun using my shoulder.
1) Depends to what extent. Botth can be applicable.
2) Make Duaa and have Sabr
a) Return goods
b) Ignore
c) No
The solution is that if it is not a need and necessity for you to work then a heart to heart talk with him, address your concerns and it is good to note that the in-laws are good and not interfering directly use that as a starting point to negotiate a better life.
There are many worse of than you. Become very regular in Salaat and make him doso also.
I know of this function. What happened there was totally against the text and spirit of Islaam.
Kindly forward your concern to Sanha.
Zanzaf does not have Ulema guidance, supervision and direction.
Avoid surely.
They have no proof as ‘proof’ for their lies and deception. Other brothers have also died to listen to their ‘proof’. They are strange. Firstly illegally taping me, secondly stating they have’proof’, (who will believe that they are so pious and innocent that they will not ‘doctor’ the tape). However the habitual lying of Sanha headed by Moulana Navlakhi is now being exposed on a weekly basis. Soon the false mask of pious, smooth talking, glib tongue and double policy will fall and the true ugly picture of reality will be seen by all. On the Day of Days where no falsehood prevails disgrace will be the lot of the liars. However wait and see, I am waiting.
You will be rewarded for your patience. Read daily Surah Baqarah for 40 Days.
Read the ‘Manzil’, blow on water with a little spittle going into it. Get him to drink. Be without expecting reward. The tables will soon change.
Although you will be in big trouble. You will be able to survive, but without a lot of stress and difficulty give charity to relieve your problems.
Firstly you must know that to err is human. To forgive is part of Shariaat. To forget is difficult. Firstly set your differences a side with your mum, patchup, make up and proceed with life. Then the better person- be cordial with.
This is not time for reading.
Waseela is permissible
Dead people cannot directly aid/help anymore.
Another baby urinates.
The water becomes impure thus bathe again the baby.
Be sending ‘Sawaab’ by Nafl actions or making Nafl charity for that purpose.
Repeat error area.
No Sajdah Sahw.
Books which I refer to are either written by me or in most cases translated works of the Ahlus Sunnat wal Jammaat. My Shaikh was Hadhrat Mufti Mehmood-ul-
Hassan gungohi (ar) and amongst my special teachers was Hadhrat Allamah Saeed Paalanpuri – current Sheikul-al-Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband.
Are you satisfied with that. If you require any other info do not hesitate to ask.
If you find any ruling of ours not correct in your view. Kindly do inform us. Please do check my reply.
If it is extremely bushy then you may cut it to neaten.
1) Yes
2) Not after 1 or 2 Talaaqs
3) Permissible. Not good.
1) There is room for permissiblity but never for economically.
2) Temporary
3) Yes
4) Yes – best not to.
Knowledge of Quraan to come your way. Shows truthfulness in speech and conduct.
There will be marriage in your family.
Your current condition will remain.
You are in state of balance, do more good deeds.
If it is not intoxicating alcohol then although permissible, still best to abstain.
Kindly read all on literature exposing the Shia beliefs on our site, then decide.
Then listen to other tapes relating to Shias on/via our site.
Our responsibility is n ot to force you to accept the Belieds of the Ahlus Sunnat wal Jamaat.
When Hadhrat Ali (R.A.) did not object to the Khilafaat of Hadhrat Abu Bakr (R.A.), Hadhrat Umar (R.A.), Hadhrat Uthmaan (R.A), why are you?. He (Hadhrat Ali (R.A.)) name his children after Hadhrat Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthmaan (R.A)
He gave his daughter in Nikah to Hadhrat Umar (R.A.) with no problem, why you got one?
I appreciate your support and Duaas.
Make Esale Sawaab for youe Uncle.
If in the 1st 2, then repeat.
Why waste time, give Dawat to the neighbour.
Ihsaan = Doing Good; beneficence; kindness; favour.
Shuaib = Name of a prophet of Allaah.
When the Haraam Imaams are in charge of meat classification whom we have entrusted with our Salaat then the sin is on them until proven otherwise. But better to abstain.
Qawalis is music based thus it is Haraam.Urs is a Bidat.
We cannot trace. Kindly ask elsewhere.
Read Surah Yaseen Daily.
These laws according to Imam Abu Haneefa
Heirs: Wife;3 Full brothers;3 Full sisters;
Wife gets 1/4
Full brothers get 1/6 each
Full sisters get 1/12 each
Heirs: Husband;Father;Mother;2 Full brothers;3 Full sisters;
Husband gets 1/2
Father gets 1/3
Mother gets 1/6
Full brothers get NONE each
Full sisters get NONE each
I have made a verbal public statement on Q/A Radio Al-Ansaar. Fo me Haraam, for the rest 100% abstain. Extremely doubtful.
You should not become despondant. Get a local Alim to intervene. At times better to separate until the dust settles.
o use over dozing because, that is haraam and think of your children.
You do not have to do that.
Permissible, Makrooh.
We appreciate the support.
Protect your dignity, honour and status.
1) Yes, it is better that they contribute.
2) No, affordability.
3) If it is their own money no need for permission.
If the work you did was not in your time of your permanent work then it is permissible.
1) No – yes for myself, total abstain for the rest.
2) No
3) Yes, Makrooh.
Same as major sin
This is not good, because materialism is ruling many.
Avoid enimies.
Read Surah Baqarah for 40 days.
Rather sad, it is true.
1 Hour 10 min after Sunset
You can download from our site.
By estimation
Give away to non -Muslims.
Firstly this sport is waste of time, money and energy – having no real valuable benefit.
The rule will apply.
According to the Shaari Mazhab, one does not pay Zakaat on used Jewellery. Now it has reached your mother, if not using pay Zakaat on it for the no of years it is in her possession.
Permissible, Makrooh
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
The giver should be aware, if he gives R1000,00 and R100,00 went as commission – only R900,00 Zakaat has been discharged. Understand this well.
Talaaq is valid. She is no more his wife.
Make Istighfaar constantly
If the piles do not bleed then, Wudhu does not break. If it bleeds then Wudhu breaks. If it bleeds constantly then you will be classified ‘Mazoor’ incapacitated – see on site ‘Tahaarat Made Easy’
It has to be “Current Market Related Value”
If you sand words of Kufr then that is close to Kufr provided you did not believe in it- Never do this again.
do as you have been doing. That person is talking bunkum. Do not bother about such people
Talk and find the source of this attitude. Also be happy with what you got. Nourish and flourish what you got. Make Salaat and Duaa.
Read the History of Deoband when I was studying we had students from Malaysia, Afghanistan English, New Zealand, Fiji, Trinidade etc. I have Moulana’s of Deobandi training in Zambia, Malawi. In SA there are Deobandi Darul Ulooms teaching via the arabic language also.
Be regular in Salaat and the Sunnat Rakaats thereof.
If without Music it is permissible
1) One fast will be Nafl.
2) If the rows are linked till the bottom from the Harram
Avoid aiding those who do not want to help themselves. Do not let people use your account facilities. When they fell the pinch they will wake up. By aiding you are spoiling.
Most Ulema state this is not permissible. This unfortunately is the utterly wrong signal sent out.
Permissible to accept
Because Mikaeel is the name of an angel and they have no gender. But when used the mind generally goes to male.
Be regular Salaat. Explain to your mother-in-law she cannot do what she is doing. Adopt Hijaab. Eat only Halaal.
That alcohol is not intoxicant in nature. Synthetic.
1) Divorce
2) The second Nikah is not valid any longer
3) You cannot stay with that lady as she is no longer your wife. Separate immediately. Repent and turn towards Allaah.
Forgive each other, do business again together but this time write down terms of working, areas of work, and all details which generally lead to dispute. Make everything clear, anad then work.
Talaaq Bain is valid.
Since it is registered in both names, then she will get 1/2 of the house automatically.
You can give her money in her life time for the other expenses she incurs.
If the discharge lasts and does not stop within the time taken to make Wudhu and a 4 Rakaat Salaat and this continues for the duration of 1 Salaat time then you are ‘Mazoor’ then clean, make Wudhu for every Salaat duration all Ibadaat therein is valid e.g. Tawaaf etc.
Kindly see below link to article on site.
When you intend coming back to S.A then it is better to stay Hanafi. Explain to your child slowly about the existence of different Mazhabs.
This is a false deviated group spreading mischief in hidden clandestine methods.
Not true.
It is not necessary to do ‘Marhoom Katham’.
It is not proven in Sharia to do so.
Make Duaa everyday for your father.
I have said this numerous times. See on site under publications ‘Music in Islaam’.
As Hanafi we do not perform ‘gaybana janaaza Namaaz’, the performance by Nabi (S.A.W) is an exception and speciality of him.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
Means earning after hard work.
It is.
It is permissible. Not Makrooh.
There were no official toilets and bathrooms.
Study British History
Are you referring to the water in the toilet or the toilet itself?
What is the need of the Angels of Mercy to enter therein?
Permissible. Best to have an intervening wall
So that activities of variant natures can take place separately. Better for modesty
Hugging the parents is permissible. But not when either one of them is not dressed properly.
Crust on the corner of the eye has to be removed for wudhu to be valid.
You can now assess for yourself what happened to you.
Name the child.
Shave the hair of the child.
Make ‘Tahneek’.
Slaughter (Make Aqeeqah) – 2 sheep/goat for a boy, 1 sheep/goat for a girl.
Give in charity the value of the weight of the hair in silver (or its value) to the poor. Do this all on the 7th day.
Although the procedure is not correct, there is no need to repeat
Any direction
Any direction
Adhaan/Iqamaat should reach the ears of the child. So go close
No need for pointing finger to be in ea
No need for pointing finger to be inside ea
As you, yourself have stated, the information is flawed, blurred, mixed up, un-clear, clouded, and thus not finite.
There is nothing wrong, odd, or strange in that.
minutes before Allaah informed the Angel.
Follow the jamaat. No need to repeat. If you perform Asr alone then read it in Hanafi time. Yes no will depend on circumstances travelling Muqeem
Fajr ends with the rising of the sun. . If one starts Fajr and the sun rises then Fajr is not valid. If you miss your Fajr then perform it after sunrise. Perform it with the 2 Sunnats if done before Zawwal.
Asr ends with the setting of the sun. If one starts Asr and the sun sets then Asr is valid.
To interact with non-Muslims is permissible. To make them your confidants is not allowed. To send greeting cards is, in our times, the way of the enemies of Islaam. If the Elders set a precedent then millions will be spent by simple Muslims which will be tantamount to wastage and extravagance. T0 send greetings during their festive seasons is, unfortunately, sending out a wrong signal of approval of their ‘baatil’. For example: giving gifts to Christians during Christmas denotes that because of Christmas we are giving gifts. Thus one should abstain. On days that are not their festive occasions, invite those people and feed the males and females separately. This will maintain a good relationship.
Our firm belief must be that all conditions come from Allaah and Allaah alone – not by bootlicking the powers that be.
The method as you have described is permissible.
Dividing Qurbaani into 3 parts is Mustahab. The Qurbaani will be done on behalf of the shareholders although they do not or did not get any meat thereof.
You can give meat to the other one who has done Qurbaani, also to the relatives, neighbors, rich, or poor Muslims.
Tell him to take a loan from a non-Muslim. Pay the Zakaat and do the Qurbaani. Pay back the loan.
Tell him to take a loan from a non-Muslim. Pay the Zakaat and do the Qurbaani. Pay back the loan. then others can eat thereof.
A non-Muslim cannot and do not inherit from a Muslim’s automatic Shaari distribution
Not necessary. Buy authentic books and study.
Permissible for ladies to go to Ladies’ Taleem only, dressed Islaamically
Ladies’ Taleem attendance dressed Islaamically will be permissible
This will be permissible if dressed Islaamically
Should not do this. The Ladies have their own methods of communication
Remember that the rule is ‘Quality over Quantity’. Practicing what is learnt is most important. The Deen is easy, keep it easy. Go to reliable sites and read authentic books where sufficient information and knowledge can be sourced from.
Try to use an alternative
If his halal earning is more than it is permissible to eat and accept gifts but it is best to abstain and give the gifts away. Advice him of his Haraam earning and praise him for his Halaal earnings and encourage him towards Salaat.
Yes, prior to gargling thoroughly.
1).Investigate their Aqeedah. If they are Shia then there is no Nikaah.
2) Ask an Aalim who is an expert on Shias to question them otherwise they will resort to ‘Takiyyah’.
If these ladies are Shia then these men are major sinners. They will become murtad if they knew they were marrying Shia Kafirs.
You should have children. The excuse is not adequate. Also, Islaam does not want the female to work outside of the house.
This is unfair, undue, unjust, un-called for, and unnecessary pressure on your head.
1). This is not proven. This must be avoided. This will become an innovation – a Bid’at. The analogy is not correct. Take a Ustaadh (Teacher). Make some sacrifice of time. Then you will learn.
2) Not applicable.
It applies to both males and females, boys and girls.
Once you poured water it will become paak (pure).
If the water which is na-paak (impure) falls on your clothing then where it fell will also be na-paak.
Make every effort to avoid an interest baring loan. Try to get a job instead
1)This is not Fardh, Waajib, Sunnat, or even Mustahab. If done with regularity it will be classified as an innovation. Sahabah (R.A.) did not do this.
2) Sahabah (R.A.) did not do this. This is as (1)
3) He should not do so.
4) This also must be avoided. The Masjid does not belong to him and he has not understood the role of the Masjid.
5) This is a new bidat with extremely stupid reasoning.
6) This is surely against the Sunnat. To delay the performance of Sunnat is Makrooh.
Some Deobandis are losing the true Maslack of Deoband. Being a Shaykh or Bayt to a wellknown Shaykh or these days being even a so called Deobandi does not necessarily automatically mean the person is on the right. We are living in troubled times.
Shaking hands with both hands is Sunnat. Generally the ghair Muqalids shake with one hand.
To put the hands on the chest after shaking hands is a bidat (innovation).
Crust on the corner of the eye has to be removed for wudhu to be valid.
You can now assess for yourself what happened to you.
Name the child.
Shave the hair of the child.
Make ‘Tahneek’.
Slaughter (Make Aqeeqah) – 2 sheep/goat for a boy, 1 sheep/goat for a girl.
Give in charity the value of the weight of the hair in silver (or its value) to the poor.
Do this all on the 7th day.
Although the procedure is not correct, there is no need to repeat.
Any direction
Any direction
Adhaan/Iqamaat should reach the ears of the child. So go close.
No need for pointing finger to be in ear
No need for pointing finger to be inside ear
As you, yourself have stated, the information is flawed, blurred, mixed up, un-clear, clouded, and thus not finite.
There is nothing wrong, odd, or strange in that.
minutes before’ Allaah informed the Angel.
Fajr ends with the rising of the sun. . If one starts Fajr and the sun rises then Fajr is not valid. If you miss your Fajr then perform it after sunrise. Perform it with the 2 Sunnats if done before Zawwal.
Asr ends with the setting of the sun.If one starts Asr and the sun sets then Asr is valid.
It is.
It is permissible. Not Makrooh.
There were no official toilets and bathrooms.
Study British History
Are you referring to the water in the toilet or the toilet itself?
What is the need of the Angels of Mercy to enter therein?
Permissible. Best to have an intervening wall
So that activities of variant natures can take place separately. Better for modesty.
To interact with non-Muslims is permissible. To make them your confidants is not allowed. To send greeting cards is, in our times, the way of the enemies of Islaam. If the Elders set a precedent then millions will be spent by simple Muslims which will be tantamount to wastage and extravagance. To send greetings during their festive seasons is, unfortunately, sending out a wrong signal of approval of their ‘baatil’. For example: giving gifts to Christians during Christmas denotes that because of Christmas we are giving gifts. Thus one should abstain. On days that are not their festive occasions, invite those people and feed the males and females separately. This will maintain a good relationship.
Our firm belief must be that all conditions come from Allaah and Allah alone – not by bootlicking the powers that be.
The method as you have described is permissible.
Dividing Qurbaani into 3 parts is Mustahab. The Qurbaani will be done on behalf of the shareholders although they do not or did not get any meat thereof
You can give meat to the other one who has done Qurbaani, also to the relatives, neighbors, rich, or poor Muslims
Tell him to take a loan from a non-Muslim. Pay the Zakaat and do the Qurbaani. Pay back the loan.
Tell him to take a loan from a non-Muslim. Pay the Zakaat and do the Qurbaani. Pay back the loan.then others can eat thereof.
If the Jusdan (cover) is separate from the Qur’aan then it is like the handkerchief – one can hold the Qur’aan with it in the state without wudhu or when one is in need of a Ghusl.
If the Jusdan (cover) is separate from the Qur’aan then it is like the handkerchief – one can hold the Qur’aan with it in the state without wudhu or when one is in need of a Ghusl.
It has been proven to be an effective cure.
Blow away from the body not into.
Last two Surahs, Surah Fatiha or Ayatul Kursi.
Not necessary. Buy authentic books and study
Permissible for ladies to go to Ladies’ Taleem only, dressed Islaamically.
Ladies’ Taleem attendance dressed Islaamically will be permissible.
This will be permissible if dressed Islaamically.
Should not do this. The Ladies have their own methods of communication.
Remember that the rule is ‘Quality over Quantity’. Practicing what is learnt is most important. The Deen is easy, keep it easy. Go to reliable sites and read authentic books where sufficient information and knowledge can be sourced from.
You should have children. The excuse is not adequate. Also, Islaam does not want the female to work outside of the house.
This is unfair, undue, unjust, un-called for, and unnecessary pressure on your head.
1) Investigate their Aqeedah. If they are Shia then there is no Nikaah.
2) Ask an Aalim who is an expert on Shias to question them otherwise they will resort to ‘Takiyyah’.
If these ladies are Shia then these men are major sinners. They will become murtad if they knew they were marrying Shia Kafirs.
Try to use an alternative.
If his halal earning is more than it is permissible to eat and accept gifts but it is best to abstain and give the gifts away. Advice him of his Haraam earning and praise him for his Halaal earnings and encourage him towards Salaat.
Yes, prior to gargling thoroughly.
This is not proven. This must be avoided. This will become an innovation – a Bid’at. The analogy is not correct. Take a Ustaadh (Teacher). Make some sacrifice of time. Then you will learn.
Not applicable.
It applies to both males and females, boys and girls.
It is not Sunnat but it is permissible if not regarded as part of Shariat.
To regard ‘musafa’ and ‘munaqah’ as Sunnat or necessary after Eid Salaat is Bid’at. Avoid doing this. Just simply walk away.
A bad dream in your eyes if interpreted well could be good. So have a well-wisher interpret your dreams.
The first interpretation is generally that which materializes.
The dreams just before Fajr are generally the most effective.
Ibn Sireen’s book is the best. However, a non-Aalim should not delve into this science.
Once you poured water it will become paak (pure).
If the water which is na-paak (impure) falls on your clothing then where it fell will also be na-paak.
a) Not permissible.
b) Not necessary.
c) Not permissible.
d) Not permissible.
Women may utilize ‘Bilal’ Transmitters. Remember, it is not about quantity but about quality. Kindly read the following to further understand:
It is valid.
1) No.
2) Tazaj and al-Bhaik.
3) Eat egg, bread, milk, and cereal. Do not touch meat.
4) No. There are local people cutting, preparing, and selling meat and poultry themselves. Your travel agent has the lists.
Keep reading Surah Waaqiyah after Maghrib or before retiring to bed
Take any Halaal earning job then keep looking.
You can also read Surah Yaseen as per the advice of the Aalim.
This is asking others is adopting means and not Shirk.
It is Permissible.
Some say that they sell Ithmid but I do not know how authentic their claims are.
Wash the entire body from head to toe completely and rinse the mouth properly and flush water into the nose nicely.
It is not necessary to face Qibla. In fact, it is better not to.
By cleaning the utensil as per Shariat, it will be regarded as pure. Do not be doubtful.
Doubt does not remove certainty. Regard the carpet as clean and pure.
Yes, do not let the doubt of ‘sometimes’ overrule certainty
It is not paak.
If the floor has liquid which is na-paak then the clothing will become na-paak upon touching the liquid. Wash the na-paak area of thee clothes or change.
Because the Ambiyaa (A.S) prior to our Nabi (S.A.W) faced Al-Aqsa as their Qibla
Yes. For details on Baytul Muqaddas source our translation of ‘Virtues of Baytul Muqaddas’
1) Perform two Rakaats Nafl Salaatul Hajaat (Salaat of Need) before all what you have stated. Read the name of Allaah a 100 times before carrying out whatever important activity you have to do. When stuck, read Durood Shareef.
Perform two Rakaats Nafl Salaatul Hajaat (Salaat of Need) before all what you have stated. Read the name of Allaah a 100 times before carrying out whatever important activity you have to do. When stuck, read Durood Shareef.
Recite the Manzil once a day, blow into water while letting some saliva go into the water, and then drink.
InshaAllaah, Allaah will protect.
One may perform Salaat once the Salaat time of that Salaat sets in. The time between Adhaan and Iqaamat is given to allow Musallees to come to the Masjid. Besides Ramadhaan, when Maghrib sets in the time between Adhaan and Iqamaat is 3 Ayaats.
It is Sunnat-e-Muakidah to read the 2 Sunnats before the 2 Fardh of Fajr. One must not leave out the 2 Sunnat of Fajr.
Immediately after praying the Sunnats. This does not apply to the administration of timings of the Masjid, Musalla, or Jamaat Khana.
It will aid in proving legality so that the will can be executed Islaamically and for travel, visa, Hajj, and Umrah purposes.
So that your will can be executed Islaamically.
If the Islaamic suffices then it is not necessary to register it under South African law.
Read it when you make your Qadha.
Man gets what he strives for’. Therefore make effort.
Do other work as suggested. Explain to your mother that you are trying. She sees you so often; she thinks you are not trying.
It is permissible for the husband to see her armpits.
No sin. Accomodate her.
Takbir Ula lasts for the entire first Rakaat.
Salaat is valid but Makrooh. Imaam should be cautioned.
Your husband should make more revision. Take lessons from the Stories of the Ambiyaa.
Each Mufti’s ability in understanding is different. Each Mufti’s power of comprehension varies. Place your confidence and reliance in one Mufti and follow his rulings. Allaah will aid you.
Each Mufti’s ability in understanding is different. Each Mufti’s power of comprehension varies. Place your confidence and reliance in one Mufti and follow his rulings. Allaah will aid you.
Talaaq is valid. Marriage is over.
It is not Jurisprudically Sunnat; it is encouraged.
Yes, along with horse-riding and archery.
That Aalim is misled.
This is not permissible. Haraam. How can any person look at the Satr of a Ghair-Mahram?
This Aalim is not well. What happens when water touches these clothing? Would he like for his mother, wife, sister, daughter, etc to be seen in that state?
1) ‘Seeratul Mustafa’ by Moulana Idris Kandehlvi (AR). Also, ‘Hadhrat Muhammad the Last Rasul of Allaah’ on this site under publications.
2) ‘Hayaatus Sahabah’ by Moulana Yusuf Kandehlvi (AR). We have done a translation of this work.
3) ‘History of Islaam’.
4) Try Zam Zam Publications website for details of availability in the US.
1) Yes.
2) Pass a blade over the bald head.
Yes, if it is clean.
There will be no need for that.
This income is Haraam.
All are being paid from Haraam and receiving Haraam.
Do not use items purchased by him.
Zakaat is not given on Haraam wealth.
1) Tell him to take a loan and start the medicine business. Discard the Haraam totally.
2) Once he generates money from the medicine shop then the salary thereof will be Halaal.
This day and ages concept of ‘love marriage’ is not Islaamic. One cannot link this sin to any pious person.
This sitting on stage for all and sundry to look at is Haraam and not an Islaamic practice.
It is permissible to see the girl whom one wants to marry.
A guard dog can be kept. Feed it. Keep it clean. Attend to it when it is sick. Do not hit it.
1) Yes, provided no one sees.
2) Ablution will be valid. Ghusl will be valid.
Although permissible, it is better to make this intention prior to building the Masjid.
His mother can be a non-Muslims but wife? He may aid as per his ability.
Wash that area first.
2) No.
Respect your elders.
A weak theif who you think is going to bring wealth is in reality your enemy whom you will get rid off.
Calculate the amount at the time of calculating.
The hadith states that 120 mercies descend on the Ka’bah, 60 for those making Tawaaf, 40 for those making Salaat and 20 for those looking at the Ka’bah, Quraan where Nabi (S.A.W) is buried and the pious is beneficial looking at a symbol of Islaam is rewarding.
There are many special prohibitions like no killing, no hunting in the boundries of the Harram.
Inform brother and sisters.
Do not loose hope. Keep at the above.
Currently your responsibility lies in earning Halaal and feeding your family, focus on that.
Avoid travelling.
Pay higher contractual fees with interest. Let females see females.
This must not be a deterrent. Conform to Shariaat as far as possible as much as humanly possible.
As long as the ingredients of these hair care and hair do products are permissible it will be permissible to use.
It is not Kufr. However you must regard sin as sin.
No but gross stupidity. Avoid.
No you should join good company
Please do not use SMS language in E-mails. No Talaaq has taken place if he did not intend so. If he intended Talaaq then one Talaaq has taken place and from that time Iddat began and maintenance. Daughter on becoming ‘baligh’ goes to responsible husband??s care/custody. Visitation rights are upon mutual agreement. Maintenance of child is upon current market related necessary average economic standards. Ask the Mufti to negotiate Talaaq if it has not occurred as yet.
This breaks Wudhu not ghusl. Put a pack of tissue or toilet paper so that disharge falls on that.
Stop avenues of arousal
Put a pack of tissue or toilet paper so that disharge falls on that
No, but do not touch the Quraanic Arabic
If the Quraan is more on that page.
Halaal, provided ‘tabdeel – e- mahiyat’ takes place
1) N/A
3) Rayhaan = A sweet smelling plant; any flower besides rose; comfort:
4) Jaudaan = Name of a Sahabah (R.A)
5) N/A
6) Mueedh (Mu’eez) = A person who gives shelter.
7) Uwais = Name of a well known saint who lived during the time of Rasulullaah (S.A.W) and who despite not having seen or met Rasulullaah (S.A.W) admired and loved him wholeheartedly
Adultery – when when one party is married.
Fornication – when both not married.
Both major sins
Regret, ask for forgiveness, never do so again.
When one is not going to do so again.
One should not build a Shia place of worship or a temple. Building a hotel is permissible.
Yes, Makrooh.
You got the sequence wrong. The ‘spat’ with Radio Islam took place after I ruled Rainbow Chickens Haraam. See letters and note dates on site. How can one slaughter, 2 chickens in one (1) second standing for hours whilst blood shoots on the goggles and fulfilling two Shaari conditions of slaughtering. What is there to be confused about?
1) If not total transformation takes place.
2) Perhaps he regards transformation has have taken place.
3) It is not as simple as you explain.
1) No Talaaq
2) No Talaaq if he did not intend so.
1a) Yes, if the gelatine is off bovine (bovine)
1b) Yes, if the alchohol is merely sunthetic, non-intoxicating.
Use an adult diaper.
For Hajj Salaat and Tawaaf Ziyaarat one needs to be in Wudhu.
Enjoin waht is good and forbid what is evil
Your time, money and energy.
It applies to woman as well.
Permissible as long as the blood perse is not sold.
1) Talaaq is like a bullet. Once let out is effective.
a) The bullet release does not depend on the intention.
b) Ulema rule on the external, otherwise muder can be justified.
c) as (a)
d) as (a)
e) You are absolutely correct, but who wants to attend such classes?
f) The whole matter will become a circus and fun/mockery.
Law does not have feelings or emotions.
Permissible, anytime.
As having Wudhu
One should greet
If this is a fact, yes.
No, explain the truth, negotiate
You are bound by the lease agreement.
Immprovement in your mutial/worldly gains.
Going to move into new premises soon.
Can share
Better ake every day 2 Rakaats Salaat Hajjat.
Read Lahawla wala Quwata….. alot.
Do not attend. See on site ‘Salaami’
Ask him which Nabi or which Sahabi did this.
Tell him, all Muslims are Tablighs. All Sunnis are Muslims.
a) Tabligh is a active Sunni Muslim whilst
b) Sunni is a passive Muslim.
Use adult napkins.
No, but if repeatedly done unnecessarily, then it is Makrooh.
Son;3 Daughters;Wife; – Imaan Abu Hanifa (R.A.)
Son gets 7/2
Daughters get 7/40 each
Wife gets 1/
If the brother has been given physical possession of it then it is his.
Not to anyone who will automatically inherit.
Tell him, keep his tongue wet with the Zikr of Allaah, and do not worry about the world.
Oneness of Allaah.
(2) is in (1)
All part of Shariaat, Aqeedah, Tawheed, Fiqh.
Offspring should aid the parent as much as one can, without going into debt.
Give as much as proper guidance as humanly possible
Let other elders of the son/father aid in making the decision.
a) If in financial need, may ask for it back, better not to.
b) Better to do so
Make extended ‘Mashwera’
No, will not be a transgressor
Better in this age to live separately if one can afford to do so.
It is definitely best to do so.
There is no Hijaab. Let them talk. This is going the wrong route
If you owe someone, Muslism, non-Muslim anything, repay etc.
If harmed anyone or hurt someones permissible rights, seek forgiveness.
Istighfaar is permissible.
Display this intention in the library and proceed.
It is better to perform Witr last. What you are saying is permissible and if you have fear of not getting up, then the safe way.
Better for one person, permissible for many.
Wash one 3 times each time using fresh water.
You are in this case now not accountable.
Inform them.
There is no justification for this delay if there be no reliable explanation.
Because there is no single ownership no Zakaat is payable.
Better separate
It is best to give each their own apartment, en-suits. As for humanly possible to equally divide that which can be devided and as far as love and affection then that is not divisable and one will not be accountable.
Permissible as long as the blood perse is not sold.
1) Talaaq is like a bullet. Once let out is effective.
a) The bullet release does not depend on the intention.
b) Ulema rule on the external, otherwise muder can be justified.
c) as (a)
d) as (a)
e) You are absolutely correct, but who wants to attend such classes?
f) The whole matter will become a circus and fun/mockery.
Law does not have feelings or emotions.
Permissible, anytime.
As having Wudhu
One should greet
If this is a fact, yes.
No, explain the truth, negotiate.
You are bound by the lease agreement.
Immprovement in your mutial/worldly gains.
Going to move into new premises soon.
Loosing of modesty for a short while.
Can share
Better ake every day 2 Rakaats Salaat Hajjat.
Read Lahawla wala Quwata….. alot.
Do not attend. See on site ‘Salaami’
Ask him which Nabi or which Sahabi did this.
Tell him, all Muslims are Tablighs. All Sunnis are Muslims.
a) Tabligh is a active Sunni Muslim whilst
b) Sunni is a passive Muslim.
Use adult napkins.
No, but if repeatedly done unnecessarily, then it is Makrooh.
Son;3 Daughters;Wife; – Imaan Abu Hanifa (R.A.)
Son gets 7/2
Daughters get 7/40 each
Wife gets 1/
If the brother has been given physical possession of it then it is his.
Not to anyone who will automatically inherit.
Tell him, keep his tongue wet with the Zikr of Allaah, and do not worry about the world.
Oneness of Allaah.
(2) is in (1)
All part of Shariaat, Aqeedah, Tawheed, Fiqh.
Offspring should aid the parent as much as one can, without going into debt.
Give as much as proper guidance as humanly possible.
Let other elders of the son/father aid in making the decision.
a)If in financial need, may ask for it back, better not to.
b) Better to do so
Make extended ‘Mashwera’
No, will not be a transgressor.
Better in this age to live separately if one can afford to do so.
It is definitely best to do so.
There is no Hijaab. Let them talk. This is going the wrong route
If you owe someone, Muslism, non-Muslim anything, repay etc.
If harmed anyone or hurt someones permissible rights, seek forgiveness.
Istighfaar is permissible.
Display this intention in the library and proceed.
It is better to perform Witr last. What you are saying is permissible and if you have fear of not getting up, then the safe way.
Better for one person, permissible for many.
Wash one 3 times each time using fresh water.
You are in this case now not accountable.
Inform them.
There is no justification for this delay if there be no reliable explanation.
Because there is no single ownership no Zakaat is payable.
Better separate
It is best to give each their own apartment, en-suits. As for humanly possible to equally divide that which can be devided and as far as love and affection then that is not divisable and one will not be accountable.
In Makkah – make Tawaaf
In Madinah – read Quraan and Durood.
Any Duaa
See Jawaarul Fiqh of Mufti Abdus Salaam Chargami
That which is Haraam to eat will be Haraam to sell. Condoms – permissible – Makrooh.
The belief must be correct. Medicine is only the means, the Curer is Allaah.
The more you talk the more you will get into trouble. Salvation lies in silence, praising Allaah and not boasting about His boons.
If someone else has the same worldly item even after you then make Duaa that person uses it in accordance to Shariaat.
This cannot be a true scholar of note.
Become Musllim first.
Tasmiya = Called; Designation.
Dayana = The judge. Origin = Hebrew
Daiyaan (Alternate) = A mighty ruler; judge; guard; protector; one who does not render any deed worthless but compensates accordingly; Allaah’s attribute.
Baheera/Bahira = Noble Lady; Beautiful; Dazzling; Brilliant
Hanna = Gracious; Favor; Grace (Hebrew), Joy; (African)
1) Yes
2) Leah = Weary; Ruler
Origin = Hebrew; Assyrian;
Rahil = Traveller; Innocent
Origin – Hebrew
1) Yes
2) No
Let the status quo be as it is.
Make a lot of Taubah and Istikhfaar.
Women may engage in Taleem etc within the Safar radius. To go beyond that cannot be proven. We still await proofs for mastooraat going out of their towns etc.
No – go before or after to pass words of condolences.
Kindly contact Radio Islaam, they play his tapes.
Why must they hit you, do not trouble them, they will not trouble you.
This is not correct.
What you gave over you do not include in calculation.
Major sin, total sincere, proper repentance required
If you have forgiven her, be positive, carry on with life, address the causes of her nefarious activities.
2 will be permissible id he acknowledges 1. and put your plan of action to him.
Both draw an agreement in uniting which stipulate what both you would NOT do. Have witnesses to this.
This will make reconciliation easier.
No, if he wants to make a home, he must mover positively forward.
This proposal is reasonable.
Permissible in the manner you giving it, state to the Madressa that it is Zakaat.
There is no Zakaat payable on personal cars.
Sahuc is a necessary evil.
Sahuc is a necessary evil.
They will not give. Go the court route.
Anyway, provided it goes in the right place.
See stories of Ambiyaa (A.S.) -Ibn Kathir
14 according to Hanafis
Calculate the amount at the time of calculating.
The hadith states that 120 mercies descend on the Ka’bah, 60 for those making Tawaaf, 40 for those making Salaat and 20 for those looking at the Ka’bah, Quraan where Nabi (S.A.W) is buried and the pious is beneficial looking at a symbol of Islaam is rewarding.
There are many special prohibitions like no killing, no hunting in the boundries of the Harram.
Inform brother and sisters.
Do not loose hope. Keep at the above.
Currently your responsibility lies in earning Halaal and feeding your family, focus on that.
Avoid travelling.
Pay higher contractual fees with interest. Let females see females.
This must not be a deterrent. Conform to Shariaat as far as possible as much as humanly possible.
As long as the ingredients of these hair care and hair do products are permissible it will be permissible to use.
It is not Kufr. However you must regard sin as sin.
No but gross stupidity. Avoid.
No you should join good company
No you should join good company
Please do not use SMS language in E-mails. No Talaaq has taken place if he did not intend so. If he intended Talaaq then one Talaaq has taken place and from that time Iddat began and maintenance. Daughter on becoming ‘baligh’ goes to responsible husband??s care/custody. Visitation rights are upon mutual agreement. Maintenance of child is upon current market related necessary average economic standards. Ask the Mufti to negotiate Talaaq if it has not occurred as yet.
This breaks Wudhu not ghusl. Put a pack of tissue or toilet paper so that disharge falls on that.
Stop avenues of arousal
This breaks Wudhu not ghusl. Put a pack of tissue or toilet paper so that disharge falls on that.
No, but do not touch the Quraanic Arabic
If the Quraan is more on that page.
Halaal, provided ‘tabdeel – e- mahiyat’ takes place
1) N/A
3) Rayhaan = A sweet smelling plant; any flower besides rose; comfort:
4) Jaudaan = Name of a Sahabah (R.A)
5) N/A
6) Mueedh (Mu’eez) = A person who gives shelter.
7) Uwais = Name of a well known saint who lived during the time of Rasulullaah (S.A.W) and who despite not having seen or met Rasulullaah (S.A.W) admired and loved him wholeheartedly
Adultery – when when one party is married.
Fornication – when both not married.
Both major sins
Regret, ask for forgiveness, never do so again.
When one is not going to do so again.
One should not build a Shia place of worship or a temple. Building a hotel is permissible.
Yes, Makrooh.
You got the sequence wrong. The ‘spat’ with Radio Islam took place after I ruled Rainbow Chickens Haraam. See letters and note dates on site. How can one slaughter, 2 chickens in one (1) second standing for hours whilst blood shoots on the goggles and fulfilling two Shaari conditions of slaughtering. What is there to be confused about?
If not total transformation takes place.
Perhaps he regards transformation has have taken place.
It is not as simple as you explain.
No Talaaq
No Talaaq if he did not intend so.
It is possible
No distribution until death. No one knows who will go first.
Draw up a separate Islaamic will. Get a lawyer to annul it and draw up a ANC without the accrual system
Request your parents to cede.
Ownership of house to you with the consent of your sisters then allow them usage of house until their death.
Repeat the Istikhaara
7 Nights.
Permissible to remove.
If you happen to earn interest due to forced circumstances then
1) No
2) No
3) No
4) No
5) No
6) No
7) No
This Jannat guarantee is not automatic, EARLY entry.
Star reasoning is strong. Child loss is not ‘atonement for sin’. Advice, put pressure, boycott, expose.
First determine who was the owner of the property then divide accordingly.
To adorn Ihraam is permissible and was permissible.Thus no penalty incurred.
1) Yes
2 A/b) As much as humanly possible.
Then follow your research, we are stating for hygiene purposes.
Akin to Kufr but not. You should leave the causes of this vile sin. Become regular in Salaat with Jamaat. Be amongst the pious. Avoid bad company. Listen an read Quraan daily,
Akin to Kufr but not. You should leave the causes of this vile sin. Become regular in Salaat with Jamaat. Be amongst the pious. Avoid bad company. Listen an read Quraan daily,
It is permissible of one exactly knows time of sacrifice
This is totally un-acceptable. Kindly contact authorities to clarify. If tape recorder is been used, do not use the system.
Not valid.
Redo the slaughtering
Sunnat to do so.
As normal
Yes, not necessary to strike the pillar.
Not valid.
After Sunrise
Before pre-dawn of the next day
One, the Big one
Only one.
One Damm becomes Wajib (compulsory)
After Zawwal
Until sunset
Big,Medium, Small
After Zawwal
Until Sunset
Do it before predawn of the next day which is Makrooh
These days this cannot be an excuse.
Can do so, after days of Hajj can perform the Sa’ee
Will have to sacrifice a goat/sheep within the boundaries of the Haram.
No, if done, then one big animal as penalty sacrificed within boundry of Haram Sharief.
From sunrise of the 13th Zil Hajj,
The Big Jamaraat
Jamarah Uqbah then Wusta then Adana Small, Medium, Big.
Wajib – Damm if left out.
Bath, put pad, make Tawaaf – give as penalty one budana animal
It is Wajib not for woman in menses
Give a goat (Damm) in boundaries of Haram
Make then Tawaaf-e-Widaa before departing
Perform her Hajj
On travel and on return home
They generally make safety arrangements
Complete the Hajj
Better to move the ladies
It breaks
If you are Sahib Nisaab (one paying Zakaat and Muqeem at the time of Qurbaani) then it is Wajib, you can leave money behind
No Salaat or Tawaaf is permissible whilst in Haiz
Different advices where given at different times for various situations to various people. One has to look at it holistically.
That person is committing Shirk
It is Sunnat Muakhiddah to perform all nights of Taraweeh
1) If you are going to sell the land then pay on the market related value. If not- no.
Constantly doing so in major sin.
Spell it either Zaakirah/Dhaakirah and you are not responsible for the pronunciation of the non-Muslim.
It is Sunnat Muakkiddah.
Both ways, permissible.
No. (See article on site)
Make Taubah and Istikhfaar. Start Quraan again
40 Days.
Son;Daughter;Wife;Father;Mother;Full brother;Full sister;
Son gets 13/36
Daughter gets 13/72
Wife gets 1/8
Father gets 1/6
Mother gets 1/6
Full brother gets NONE
Full sister gets NONE
When you get it you will pay for that year only.
Firstly change your marriage contract to a/m/c minus the accural system.
Do the tranfer with the clause that both you and your wife will stay in the house rent free as long as either one lives.
You can do so.
Give it to him whilst you are alive and put a clause that you and your wife will stay in that house rent free as long as you are both either one is alive.
This should be done by mutual consultations.
Before Jumah Khutbah in Rabi Awal
It was one on one proposal acceptance
I do not understand
A Nabi is born a Nabi
As you reconciled and no ‘bain’ was stipulated
Thus one Talaaq occurred
You are not living in Haraam
We will seriously consider, deliberate, brainstorm your most valuable imput.
Consult female doctor who has been for Hajj.
In haiz you cannot enter Masjid. Can make Saee, can go for Hajj – do everything but not Tawaaf Ziyaraat. Obviously no Salaat or touching of Quraan. Can visit places.
As a last resort will make Ghusl, use pad, make Tawaaf, give camel as Damm and come back hom.
See Hajj articles in Publications section for more info.
Orders at time get abrogated, altered, changed.
Hajj badal Hadith.
Permissible – Yes
1st – Brother is correct.
No formal Yaseen. Collective reading via prior calling proven.
2nd – Both
Can be done whilst on journey or thereafter.
Clarify your Rights of the usage of the house, then the matter will be resolved.
Clarify your Rights of the usage of the house, then the matter will be resolved.
Address with full respect and honor your father. Explain in detail you fears to him. Failing which find alternative accommodation.
From home.
Yes, if no Wasiyyat.
No correct – once you heard of the death, you could have started reading.
They would have stayed in the house not next to the body but in another room.
Yes, for unification purpose.
Settle on the stronger view, or one of the two views.
Wash, clean till purity is reached wherever you walked.
If it looks more like a design.
Increase reading Durood. Hold head and read Ya Salamu.
You can write it off as Sadaqah (charity). NOT zakaat. You can inform them
Pour water and rub.
It is not the question of speed, it is the question of water reaching, so let water reach and rub.
This relationship you must terminate urgently.
It is the result of lack of Hijaab. Stop otherwise sin will take place.
Coming soon.
Patience, Sabr, Shukr, planning, investigation, silence, diplomacy
That we are not perfect. Allaah is the Best of Planners. Not all are equal and compatible.
More reward at home, that was where it was done in the Best of eras.
3 Mestrual periods.
Her currently.
Yes – she must have no jewellery equal to or more
Left upto them
See site
Then negative
Read ‘La hawla wa la Quwata…’ in abundance
a. Yes
b. Yes
c. Yes
d. Yes
However do locally as well so that the future generation understand what is Qurbaani is all about.
Taahaa = Name of Surah in the Holy Quraan
Surah Yaseen daily.
Make it as and when one can afford.
Yours was positive not hers, Nikah is if two parties not one.
Due to forced situation you earn interest. Paay premium and close. Lic
Avoid bad company who want to harm you although you find it difficult to do so.
Depends on his job description
We have no Shariat courts in South Africa. Are you trying your level best to exonerate Sanha? A ‘faasiqs’ evidence is not acceptable in matters of ‘Hudood’
There is room for permissibility see ‘Fiqh academy research’
Permissible see Darul Uloom Binori Town Fatawa
Permissible see – vol 3 second last question of Jawaharul Fiqh – Mufti Abdus Salaam Panjgaami Sahib. Also Moulana Fazal Rahman Aazmi- Sheikul Hadith of Darul Uloom Azaadville give notes to his students not officialy published.
His enemy is some one posing as his well wisher.
These days people ‘disappear’ even after signing on the dotted line. Try elsewhere.
Avoid dealing with strangers.
Practise it.
No bank adheres strictly to Shariaat – no.
Totally abstain because of non recitation of Tasmiyyah.
No – avoid such people.
Spend the money on the child. Let the child benefit from the gifts.
Yes – See on site ‘Masnoon Duaas’
Last to Surahs of Quraan – read and blow on child.
Last to Surahs of Quraan – read and blow on child.
See- ‘Hidden treasures’ on site.
There is no official Sunnat dress. The dress of the pious Ulema on any region is the Sunnat dress.
Yes. See book – Crown of the believers and Book by Moulana Fazal Rahman on Topee, Kurta and Turban for details.
See Tabligh Made Easy on site.
Wrongly given
Simple barter, but in Jannat all are beatiful.
Some say it did not happen. It did – concept of forgiveness.
I in the light of Shariaat, considering especially the issue of Hijaab hold the view that a female should not go to these co-ed varsity. Also due to morality levels etc.
Rabbi Zidni ilma
One defers to spiritual creation and the other to physical creation.
Basically Allaah has two types of qualities – special – only to himself. All knowing – general – like the one you mentioned.
They do have but of lower type, level and degree.
Bury, shread and last resort burn.
Shred to use as pillow fillings etc.
Permissible – but who puts it off?
Iddat ends at completion of the last Haiz. Can be revoked before that.
No need for her to ‘re-marry’ can marry – fresh Nikah.
Avoid temproray birth control method.
No, unless the Iddat expires.
If it is his, yes, If no – not.
Poor needy ones.
Yes, without obligations.
Read last 2 Surahs and blow on the child.
Faatimah Zahra.
Safer to take out all, give away in charity the so called ‘earnings’
Calculate from home.
When as explained total reaches 93 Km then provided you made intention of Safr you will be classified a Musaafir.
No divorce has occured.
Permissible not encouraged.
Not proven in Shariaat.
Do not attend. Please Allaah not mankind.
Zikr is for Allaah. Not for saints. Ask them
Not proven in Shariaat.
Do not stand unnecassarily.
When you leave your home.
I do not know of such a narration.
Clean the place. Make some Nafl Salaat therein. Read Quraan daily therein. Allaah will give Barakaat. No official procedure.
In which department
Kindly do not confuse the two countries. In South Africa the Ulema have taken up the Rainbow Chicken issue. Please contact the Ulema of Saudia to take up your queries. Do not shoot your gun using my shoulder.
If it is extremely bushy then you may cut it to neaten.
Not after 1 or 2 Talaaqs
Permissible. Not good.
Make Esale Sawaab for youe Uncle.
We cannot trace. Kindly ask elsewhere.
600 years after his demise
No authentic Hadith
No – Haraam
Has erred. Sinful
Enemy will try to attack you, no effect.
You have around you people who are trying ro rob you. Be careful.
Use the asmaa when making Duaa, Moulana’s love for the asmaa has projected via you.
Mercy of Allaah descending.
Make Duaa for them who are in good condition.
You will go out in the path of Allaah, possiblity USA
Yes, it is better that they contribute.
No, affordability.
If it is their own money no need for permission.
No – yes for myself, total abstain for the rest.
Yes, Makrooh.
– no need to cut webbed feet.
Salaat valid.
1) See Fazaail-e-Durood
2) See Afzal ul Wazaaif intro. used to prevent Jadoo etc.
3) I do not know what is this.
1) Not Islaamic
2) Not advisable.
4) Forget and move on
5) Good suggestion.
As per your description she should stay at home and not go to work.
Let her complete her Iddat, where she started.
Negotiate child rights for both parties.
See book on Iddat on site:
1 Hour + 10 min after sunset in S.A.
He may draw allowance
Hold hand on area,read Surah Faatiha and lift hand, blow on area, do this +_ 7 times.
Doubt does not remove certainty
He will draw/pull someone like the Muazzin who will continure to lead whilst the Imaam will go and make Wudhu. He simply walks out.
Avoid sin, eat Halaal, be with the pious, avoid the company of sinners, do not watch films, be regular in Salaat with Jamaat, go out in the path of Allaah, be in the state of purity all the time
Avoid the causes that lead to it.
Stop every means that lead to her.
The current day Salafis are those viciously against following one Imaam of Fiqh – Some of them even speak ill of Imam Abu Hanafi (A.R). The one saying these statements are misled and engaged in misleading others. Stay far from such people even if they are flowery in their speeches. His statements display his arogance. We have written extensively on this subject. See on our site amongst others.
1) Taqleed Made Easy
2) Why follow one Imam of Fiqh and we have released in hard copy
3) Towards Understanding Taqleed Part 1
4) Towards Understanding Taqleed Part 2
She must find out what are the proper legal regulations. I am sure it is in favour of covering up. let all this ‘handling’ be done in a public area.
This is Haraam, stay far from this person.
a) No
b) No
c) If only going to the ladies section
d) No
Yes, Makrooh.
Yes, Makrooh
Should not take out medical aid.
No harm will come unto you although fears are there.
Around you are some pious people.
You have not read my anwer properly.
The answer of Mufti E. Desai concurs with ours.
Seek medical treatment quickly.
Increase recitation of Durood. Get a Sheikh of your liking.
Do not be impressed by wealth of relatives. It will lead you to doing funny things.
Go ahead with the Hifz, but be more firm on the procedure.
You are generally a truthful person.
2) You say what you dream happen so where is the problem.
2b) So identify the place – warm the people.
3) Warning.
4) Truthfulness.
C,5,6) Make Isale Sawaab it will help.
Do not attempt to dream. Time is running, do good of what is left of it. Avoid idealogy discussions.
Avoid company of Shias and those who deny 20 Rakaats Taraweeh.
Tell your father be careful.
The Sadaqah is most valuable for the deceased. Do more.
Do not be distracted by people, act on the Sunnat without fear.
Increase in family.
Then do not use lip balm.
It is permissible.
You have various enemies within your camp.
Denotes getting of honour, dignity, wealth, status.
Avoidance of travel at night without importance and alone.
All your dreams relate to you having enemies who are trying to harm your business etc. Read Daily Manzil as prescribed.
Before or after no problem.
Wait until completely no red flows / or seen.
White can farn to yellow as explained.
Sinful acts generally would not take one out of the fold of Imaan.
Sinful acts generally would not take one out of the fold of Imaan.
No – but major sinner
No – But major sinner.
I think you mean ‘Tawasuul’.
It is permissible through the pious dead and living and good deeds of ones self.
I do not know.
A female happened at that stage in history to be the Prime Minister of India who insisted on coming.
See Fatawa Rahimiyyah.
Nothing to do with you
Can pay
Can pay with interest if you got it on hand. Not pay and then look for interest.
Become useful, teach others, avoid suspicion.
Amongst the knowledgable teachers one is excellent in character and presentation.
Increase in adherence to the Sunnat.
Local Imaam fears Allaah.
A act with a wrong belief takes one out of the fold (of Islaam).
No, as long as one’s Imaan (belief) is valid the un-Islaamic act will not remove the person from the fold of Islaam.
Someone is trying to lessen your honour and dignity but will not succeed.
Their could be presence of Angels.
Be cautious in direction others to futile activities.
Loosing grip of your Faraaidh of Deen.